Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Écharpe perdue, trouvé


Back to Nemours today.  As we sat over coffee and tea my first day in Paris,  I was trying to capture the waiter rushing around, but spotted this lovely scarf through the glass door, draped over the coat rack. At first I thought it belonged with someone's coat but as the café thinned out and the coats were claimed I realized that someone had most likely found it on the floor and carefully hung up it to wait for its owner.  The French are thoughtful that way. I often see mittens or gloves that have been picked up and laid on a ledge or window sill in the hopes that it will be found again.

I have another reason for featuring Café Nemours today.  Recently I found some delightful black and white drawings of Paris on Etsy.  Artist Annie Poon's Nemours scene caught my eye and I purchased it.  Annie was kind enough to include an extra 8x10 print for a GIVEAWAY!  Thank you Annie for your generosity.  Now all you have to do is leave a comment if you want to enter. I'll draw a lucky winner on Thursday so come back then to see if  your name was drawn!

Monday, January 30, 2012

If The Truth Be Known...

THIS is the reason I return to photograph Paris, over and over.  Of course, I love the shots I find in shops, cafés, store windows, and churches, but this is what I'm always searching for...  the street photographs.  The images are elusive and the cache at the end of a week in Paris is pretty slim, but very satisfying.  One thing I've had to accept is that my street images might not be the sharpest or with perfect light and composition.  My online photography group has taught me recently that with street photography that is to be expected....and accepted.  Thank you my Photographers' Classroom colleagues for taking that albatross from around my neck!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hôtel de Ville

What photographers do while waiting in line...for the Sempé exhibit!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Samedi Signes - Palais Royal

Never noticed this lovely old sign the other zillion times I've walked through the gardens there. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Paris Rouge LXXX - Bibliothèque nationale de France Richelieu

Merci Peter,  for steering me into this lovely place my first afternoon in Paris.  By this time I was in a jet lag haze, but the sight of this beautiful stairway with the red wall, and later the reading room perked me right up.

 5 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My, What Big Hands You Have!

This massive piece of modern sculpture, L'Écoute, by Henri Miller was placed beside Saint Eustache in 1986.  Mon amie Mary, posed to give you an idea of the enormity of this piece.  I think it's also a hit with the younger set as I will share another time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Paris Rouge LXXIX - Une mitaine rouge

Playing in the white powdery dirt in Paris seems to have universal appeal for children.  My Eva and Davis did a lot of it when we visited in 2009.  I captured this petit garçon with the obligatory stick at the Luxembourg Gardens last week.   And would you look... a  ROUGE mitten!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Closing Time

As we walked back to the Métro from a party late one evening, I took a quick shot of the chairs all lined up and as luck would have it...... a waiter walked out! I think this might be one of my favorites from this trip.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Time Last Sunday...

... I had spent about an hour and a half talking with the dancers at rue Mouffetard and sharing some photographs I have taken of them for the last 3 years.  Genie, Holly, Mary and our sweet Paris friend Anne, then adjourned to a café across the street,  and as we sat upstairs having lunch, I took a peek out of the window and decided to try a long shot through the glass.  I love the movement and seeing it all from a new perspective.

You might recognize one of my favorite dancers that I posted here.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Samedi Signes - Le Chat Noir

Everywhere I turned in Paris, I found images that reminded me of my sweet Meeps.  As we took the bus last Tuesday, I shot this through the window.  My dear chat noir was very glad to see me when I returned home! She and I have chatted and we both think we need to move to Paris!!!

Today begins a series I'm calling Samedi Signes.  This trip I had fun capturing old and new signs in Paris.  I'll feature them from time to time.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Un dernier regard

Our last afternoon in Paris on Tuesday,  Mary took me to the rooftop of Galeries Lafayette.  What a spectacular way to end our week in Paris.  It was almost sunset and the view took my breath.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paris Rouge LXXVIII - L'accordéoniste


I'm home after a very very long day of travel.  Too tired to load all of my 10GBs so I just pulled out one card, loaded it and chose this adorable boy who brought his own accordion to rue Mouffetard last Sunday for the singing and dancing. The fact that it was ROUGE made my heart sing.

Thank you all for your visits and comments here and on Facebook while I was gone. It was a jam packed week of fun, friends and many photographs. I can't wait to share more in the days to come.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mon Palais Royal

What better photo to end my stay in Paris than one from my first day in Paris last Wednesday.  Peter laughingly calls the Palais Royal  "mine" because I never seem to tire of it.  We stopped at this fountain, put our feet up and relaxed for a few minutes that afternoon.  I was grateful for a little rest as I'd been awake for 24+ hours.  It's hard to say goodbye to Paris but as always,  I'm grateful for the precious time here.  Mary and I will fly home Wednesday.....le sigh!

Café avec amis

Saturday afternoon,  after walking all over the Marais, Peter and I met my sweet friend and fabulous photographer Carla Coulson for coffee at Le Voltiguer on rue Frances Bourgeois.  We enjoyed hearing about new book, Chasing the Dream, and her travels to Italy and Australia this year as well as some exciting ideas she's working on.  The only downside was that husband Francesco could not join us!  (If you've seen him on her blog you'll understand,)  Mary joined us before we parted and I was able to get this cute photo of the group.

Today, Genie (Paris and Beyond), Holly, Peter (Peter's Paris) and Owen ( Magic Lantern Show) and I are touring Saint-Denis , and  Mary is "doing" the Louvre.  The weather is still gorgeous. Sunday it was colder but blue skies are still shining on Paris!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Le Ciel est bleu à Paris!

Live update from Paris!
We landed Wednesday morning and hit the ground running despite the fact that Mary and I didn't sleep the entire flight even though we were upgraded to Business! After lunch with Peter, Genie and daughter Holly, we wandered around the 1eme.  Peter and I wound up the day with our feet up at the fountain in the Palais Royal gardens.  Yesterday the Sempé exhibit at the Hotel de Ville and lunch at Reminet. Then Peter, Mary and I walked our feet off in the 5eme in search of some shops I had on my list.  Today the Pet Cemetery and lunch with Richard Nahem and Zabie Johnson. We're on our way to Eric Tenin's for a party of bloggers and many of his Paris friends.  A computer/French Google snafu has caused a delay in reporting. I hope to put up another post in a day or two.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Merci pour les souvenirs!

"To inhale Paris preserves the soul" 
Victor Hugo

While I'm in Paris this week, I leave you will some very sweet memories from each visit I've made.  I hope you won't go far and will be here when I return. I promise to have many images to share with each of you. À bientôt!!!

PS Check the comments, I hope to say hello there every day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Bags Are Packed

Zoe's Consignment Shop
Forest Park

and I'm off with mon amie Mary today.  I've packed 10GB's, so SURELY that will be enough to capture Paris for all of us!  While in Paris, we'll be joined by Genie ( Paris and Beyond), her daughter Holly, and many, many dear Paris friends.  I promise to share all my memories upon my return.  À bientôt!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mystery Solved, Five Years Later

My first visit to Paris was March, 2007 with daughter Melissa and granddaughter Eva.  One thing I'd put on my To Do list was the Musée Picasso in the Marais. Melissa was our navigator, and as we came up from the Métro, all I remember is we were thrilled to see our first street market.  We enjoyed a quick run through and began our search for the museum which with many helpful strangers,  led us up and down and around until......voilà!  There we were.  Now that I look back on the photos from that day, I see many familiar sights.  I've always wondered where the market was.   Last night I found this shot and recognized the NOW familiar statue at Bastille. Mystery solved.  Marché Bastille!  I've shopped there several times since.

May I add that the museum has been closed for some renovations but is now open.  Put it on your list!

Friday, January 6, 2012

With a Fine Toothed Comb!

Ahhh, the French attention to detail.  While enjoying the lovely Jardin des Plantes we found this employee hard at work scrubbing this piece with what appeared to be a toothbrush!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

La petite tour

Even in January, the windows are still decked out. This sweet little ET was so festive with the snow and purple lights!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Not All Parisians....

are trés chic. This gentleman was taking a smoke break on the balcony of the Comédie- Française at Place Colette.  I love these photo ops in Paris!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Une journée dans le parc avec maman

Square du Temple, across from the city hall in the 3eme, is a charming little park that is obviously a place for the younger crowd to  meet and greet!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tuileries From Above - Jumping Puddles

Last January as Peter and I went round and round on the grand roue at Place de la Concorde, I captured this view of Tuileries and the Louvre in the background.  It was a chilly and drizzly day as you can see from all the puddles scattered along the way.

Congratulations to Magdariana for being my 600th Follower!  Thank you all for your faithful visits to this blog!!!