Saturday, January 21, 2012

Samedi Signes - Le Chat Noir

Everywhere I turned in Paris, I found images that reminded me of my sweet Meeps.  As we took the bus last Tuesday, I shot this through the window.  My dear chat noir was very glad to see me when I returned home! She and I have chatted and we both think we need to move to Paris!!!

Today begins a series I'm calling Samedi Signes.  This trip I had fun capturing old and new signs in Paris.  I'll feature them from time to time.


  1. Un café tabac ! C'est moins bien qu'un bastringue, mais cela ne déplairait pas à Alphonse Allais.

  2. There are a lot of famous "chats noirs" in Paris!I guess you've found more than one.

  3. Quite a good shot from the bus!
    God bless you!

  4. "Le Chat Noir" was a famous cabaret, but this little café has most probably nothing to do with that! Rather an homage to a black cat in general ... or to Meeps in particular? :-)

  5. Excellent click from the bus Virginia, I hope that you're not too sad about leaving Paris, I sometimes wonder if the romance of Paris is in the looking forward to visiting and re acquainting with favorite spots. Maybe the permanent living there would wear away at that anticipation, hmm not sure but I'd like to live there and find out haha! The view from Galeries Lafayette and Sacre Coeur are the most spectacular oui! I bet Meeps won't let you out of her sight for a while..

  6. Un petit clin d'oeil sans doute de votre chat... afin que vous pensiez bien à lui... Une sorte de providence.
    Gros bisous et merci pour cette belle photo.

  7. You shouldn't have any trouble finding signs in Paris. I like the ones that are sort of "left over" from the days when people couldn't read and you could tell by the sign what the place was selling or providing.

  8. Love your blog. Gives me a taste of Paris almost every day.

  9. Ahhh........the love of a pet is unconditionally wonderful! I love photographing signs ........... & doors & windows & ........... Wish I had you skill. Perhaps we should meet in France for a lesson?

    Bonne semaine.

    P.S. Been away from my computer this week - time is too tight.

  10. tres clever theme .. I look forward to it

  11. Love this photo! Le chat noir in this picture also resembles our Otis. A black Maine Coon with gorgeous emerald eyes. Great idea, these Saturday signs. I will look forward to them as i do all your wonderful photos! :)


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