Monday, January 9, 2012

My Bags Are Packed

Zoe's Consignment Shop
Forest Park

and I'm off with mon amie Mary today.  I've packed 10GB's, so SURELY that will be enough to capture Paris for all of us!  While in Paris, we'll be joined by Genie ( Paris and Beyond), her daughter Holly, and many, many dear Paris friends.  I promise to share all my memories upon my return.  À bientôt!


  1. Safe travels. Have lots of fun. Take a ton of photos. Drink plenty of wine.

  2. Now ... from memory you ALL stay at the same little appartement. I can't be big enough for ALL of you ...

  3. Bon voyage !!
    Wave at me from Paris.. I m sure I will feel it in Brussels.

  4. Have a wonderful trip. Bon Voyage.

  5. I'm a tad green with envy.....another trip to Paris AND with Genie! Wish I could join you.
    I know you'll have a wonderful time together and with your cameras.
    Take care

  6. Ugh I'm so JEALOUS! Have fun for me! Take lots and lots of gorgeous photos, like you always do :)

  7. How wonderful to be off to Paris. Give her my love and tell her to expect me next year.

  8. Bon voyage, V de B! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time 'a Paris!

  9. Feeling the excitement of that early morning arrival in Paris!

  10. Bon voyage to you all. Stay in touch, will you? Hugs to Paris -and France- from this French Girl in Seattle. Veronique

  11. Bon voyage, dear Virginia !!!
    I wish you sunny days for the best shots, mild weather and warm friendly dinners.
    Have you packed a few wool foulards? You'll have a great time in a lovely company.
    Keep batteries charged.
    All the very best to you and your friends.

  12. Enjoy Paris, Genie and Virginia! Have a wonderful time! Say hello to Eric and Laurent, Peter...

  13. Have a nice trip!et " Bienvenue en France" !

  14. Safe travels! You are there the same time as my boss and two co-workers. Although, their trip will be much less interesting, I'm sure of it. I couldn't imgine going to Paris on business. What would I possibly get done?

  15. I'm also green with envy, but still wishing all of you a wonderful visit—with Paris and each other! (And please tell me you bought this ET for your collection.)

  16. Bonsoir! I made it to Cincinnati via Detroit with mech probs in B'ham and a mad dash to the connecting flight in Detroit but i made it. I'm heading to bed early tonight. Big day tomorrow.

  17. Bon voyage, Virginia. Have a great trip!


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