Friday, January 27, 2012

Paris Rouge LXXX - Bibliothèque nationale de France Richelieu

Merci Peter,  for steering me into this lovely place my first afternoon in Paris.  By this time I was in a jet lag haze, but the sight of this beautiful stairway with the red wall, and later the reading room perked me right up.

 5 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris


  1. it is good to know what to do to alleviate jet lag

  2. There are always many things left undone after a visit to Paris. On our last visit we stayed a block away from this, but I never ventured inside. Thankfully there is always the promise of next time. And till then I have this image to tide me over.

  3. The answer to jet lag - a friend like Peter! And voila! A beautiful photo.

  4. Does anyone know Paris better than Peter?

  5. Hello, Virginia.

      Your splendid works enhance charm spectator still more.
      The warmth such as the fireplace will be offered to the audience in harsh this winter.

      I praise your wonderful work.

      The prayer for all peace.
    Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃

  6. Are you sure this isn't Pasadena City Hall from your trip out here V???!!! Love the building and the beautiful railings!

  7. Wow—you're up to LXXX? I think that the planes and curves and angles in this composition are just fantastique, V! And that spot of red is the cherry on top, so to speak.

  8. Oh Virginia - I love this blog (and your others also). This photo is amazing. Paris through your eyes is very beautiful!


  9. I do love this view you found here! The staircases are stunning.

  10. The details are lovely, and the perspective makes the shot so much more interesting. Well done.

  11. Wonderful composition Virginia, the touch of red makes it fabulous!

  12. For a photographer like you, the jet lag is not a problem!


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