Saturday, July 2, 2011

Here's a First

I never thought it would happen, but I have finally stumped Peter, my go to guy
 for all things Paris.  Peter, JB, Owen, Mary and I struck off down this street last June and I think the flags must have some meaning. Of course I took no archive photos and when I enlisted Peter's help, he couldn't recall the street either. What I do remember is that it is near Place de la Bastille. Regardless, I thought the ROUGE and the flags made a festive shot, especially since we in the U.S. are waving our flags this holiday weekend!  

I'm pleased to announce the publication of my book, PARIS ROUGE THROUGH MY LENS, now available on BLURB. See the badge on the sidebar.


James said...

Great shot of the international flags above Rue de Lappe!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You're right Virginia, it's a great colourful shot. Did I mention sometimes when I'm checking your blog, I sit for a while and listen to a complete Francoise Hardy track, I love her music, will have to try and download some, can't seem to find it anywhere in the shops. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Cezar and Léia said...

Oh I love those little flags, wonderful composition!

Shell Sherree said...

A beautiful photo to help celebrate your big weekend over there, V. Have a wonderful time!! {And congratulations on your book release ~ may Blurb be inundated with orders.}

Starman said...

Maybe is was World 'something' Day.

Leif Hagen said...

It's always fun and more celebratory to see flags!
Congratulations on your Paris Rouge book, Virginia!
Now off to the rest of the royal wedding celebrations here in Monaco.....
(Yes, I'm dreaming)

Virginia said...

James, Rue de Lappe? WEll that might be the answer!!

Leif, are you a member of the wedding party? HA

Starman, we'll ask that you check out rue de Lappe for us and get the scoop!

Thank you dear Shell.

Lela, it was hard to get the right angle on the flags!

Perth, I listen to her all the time as well.I"m glad you enjoy the music on the the blog. Yes, you should buy some!

Alexa said...

Red AND flags = extra-festive! Hope you have a flag-wavin' time this holiday weekend. Congrats on the book, V—it looks gorgeous!

M said...

Virginia, Jamesis right. I have a friend from Spain who raves about La Pirada on rue de la Lappe. I believe this is the restaurant you have captured. Love the bright colors of the flags! Happy Fourth and Bon weekend!

James said...

It's definitely Rue de Lappe but I don't know for sure why all of the flags are there. Maybe because there are so many different types of restaurants (Spanish,Japanese,Cuban, etc) on that little street. Club Le Balajo is just to the right of the red building and that's where Edith Piaf became famous.

So do I win a prize? :)

Daryl said...

Lovely .. who cares why they wave ... its a lovely shot even without knowing why or exactly where .. xo

jb said...

Senility strikes...

It was the FIFA World Cup, here's your post about it

Virginia said...

JB, are you sure it was for the WC? I was thinking those flags were there all the time. THat said, I'll not argue with Mr. Research! :)

TheChieftess said...

And of course, it's ROUGE!!!

MadAboutParis said...

Marie is right...
La Pirada

7 Rue Lappe
75011 Paris, France
01 47 00 73 61