Meeps' cousine parisienne
My Meeps here at home wishing she was in Paris |
Imagine my surprise when I discovered this Meeps look-alike at the
Cimetière des Chiens, paying her respects to dear Lick. I've known all along that my Meeps was a chat noir parisien at heart and this proves she has French cousins there don't you think? After I took this shot, I sat down on the gravestone beside her. I knew better than to touch.
As luck would have it, my friend Peter (Peter's Paris) has just posted a fine blog story about this place and as always the case, he's willing to let me link to it. Hop on over to his blog and have a look. Tell him I sent you!
Sounds like a long distance kitty friendship.....
Bonjour d'Eagan, V de B!
Peter prepared a very nice article about this cemetery! And I love your pictures.Meeps is gorgeous!
Peter always does a fine job researching and photographing and adding maps! He's kind enough to let me ride his coattails and link to his posts. That works for me! :)
Leif, you know Meeps loves Paris just like her Mom!
What a moving picture. I wonder if the Meeps' French cousin knew the dog buried there... I also read Peter's post. Well researched and informative, as always. I have never visited that cemetery. Maybe one day... Love that picture of Meeps, by the way. Lots of Eiffel Tower in your house, V. ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Visiting this cemetery would bring me to tears, so I never visited. But I'm glad to have my faithful dogs now at my feet! Meeps is super-adorable!
Very endearing shot, V, and thanks for the link to Peter's post. Meeps est très chic—and definitely Parisienne—with that scarf!
Aw! Beautiful French kitty-cat! And yes, this one quite resembles your Meeps! And of course Meeps is equally stylish and magnificent.. or tres magnifique! I'll check out Peter's blog! :)
Ah, how sweet! They do look alike. Whenever I see a dog that resembles my Josie (passed 3 years now) I feel so sad...I don't think the sadness ever completely goes away.
... and I also took a photo of the black cat, but not as good as yours, so I didn't post it.
Thanks for linking! :-)
Wow. That is a really great photo. Sigh.
Peter, you and I have had our fair share of black cats in Paris. I"m sure yours was terrific!
I thought this sweet place might make me sad and in a way it did, but it was so interesting to see the lovely tributes to those that brought so much joy to so many. I have more to share in the future.
Kelly has a soul dog in Sweden (LadyFi's Oscar)...I'm sure Meeps and this kitty are soul kitties too!!!
Oh i love this post being a cat crazy lady!!!
Your Meeps is so adorable and chic!
I'm going over to Peter's!
did you know black cats were originally from Egypt?
tooo toooo cute
simply adorable!
The Magic Lantern has also posted about the Paris Dog Cemetery, seven times already...
Such a poignant image Virginia, with the little cat sitting on Lick's headstone, wonder if that's just by chance? Love the expression on Meeps' face, sitting amongst Le Eiffel's looking very chic with her scarf on haha!
I adore a chats noir and am bossed around by two myself. I also have a tortie like your Meeps...however she has a bit of an attitude problem and I am sure if I tried to artfully drape a scarf around her neck it wouldn't end well ~ for me!
Comme il est beau! J'adore! Les chatons sur mes photos ce sont les chats de mon amie, moi par contr j'ai deux chiens :)
Sorry I'm so late on this one, V. Can't believe I missed it! You know I have an extra-special soft spot for black kitties, and this sweet one certainly looks related to your beautiful Meepsie, who wears that scarf in a very dignified fashion.
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