This was my favorite find at the Grande Brocante - Quartier Saint Blaise last month in the 20eme. Since I have often enjoyed photographing the pétanque players at Luxembourg and the Palais Royal gardens, I especially loved seeing this vintage set in its nicely worn case.
Merci Claudine pour cette vidéo!!
These are very beautiful, and the pattern looks familiar - I think I see where the inspiration for "the snitch" in the Harry Potter books came from.
A lovely shot. Did you try lifting them, Virginia!
And conjuring up the weathered hands that have gripped them, and cleaned them and, finally, played them. Nicely evocative without being overdone.
I have a set, but it lacks this vintage character and charm. Better start using it!
Lovely shot .. is it like Bocce?
C'est vrai que certains joueurs de pétanque jouent à Paris! Mais les vrais joueurs vivent dans le sud de la France, à Marseille!
Voici les paroles d'une chanson très connue par les Français
et puis la chanson
Une partie de pétanque, ça fait plaisir.......!!!!!
Les joueurs que j'ai photographié pour les anciens! :)
Merci pour la vidéo!
Virginia, this is a great shot and I love the old case. I agree with MyMaracas in how it resembles the Harry Potter Quiddich balls.
Güten tag von Frankfurt. I probably won't be around much for a month or so. Will try to catch up later.
Love what Julie said—this shot is very evocative but subtle. The boules have a wonderful patina. Merci pour le vidéo, Claudine (j'adore Brassens—ses chansons évoque la belle France pour moi).
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