New iy

After a very very long day walking from Montmartre towards our apartment, Mary and I spotted
Harry's New York Bar. "Let's have a drink" I begged! This isn't like any other place in Paris that I've ever been. When we ordered wine, our nice waiter ( that would be him on the right) informed us they don't sell wine. NO WINE, IN PARIS?? I didn't miss a beat, and ordered Jack Daniels and club soda. "Non, Madame." Perrier was a good substitute. Mary ordered some fancy cocktail. I perused the walls and noted old football pennants hanging around the entire place. It didn't take me long to discover Auburn was nowhere in sight. When our waiter returned, I inquired. Do you want to predict his response? Bless his heart, he had no idea, but we watched as he went to the bar, asked the bartender and went all around the place in search of the Auburn pennant! Bottom line: That was the most expensive drink I've ever had in Paris. Mary and I could have had wine at the Crillon for less. And when I get my hands on an Auburn pennant, I'm sending it to Harry's Bar. We're Number One after all!
I think that your bar portrait is worth whatever your JD set you back... Send that man an Auburn pennant... War Eagle!
It's like the bars in the movies. it is all about the beer and whiskey on the rocks.
The signage on the plate warmer is just too good...
A great B/N...
Next time go for the Bloody Mary = they make the best in France!
I'll look for the Auburn pennant next time.
Take that pennant with you next time you go to Paris, I'll take a Texas A&M one and we can present them in person. I think the ambiance and the fabulous photo op are worth whatever price they charge for a drink so I'll treat and you shoot!
We ended up in a bar in a flash hotel in Tokyo in the early 1980s where a beer cost as much as a case at home and a Campari cost as much as a bottle...
Great portrait and your banner is another winner!
LOVE this shot .. love it
I've neved entered Harry's, but I'm not surprised at the expense.
What's a few extra Euros when there's such grand photo ops???
So glad you went in (even if it is ridiculously expensive). I'm very pleased to say that I've never paid for a drink in this place—but then again I haven't been there since I was young and cute. :~} Would bring them a pennant, but I went to the Sorbonne! This is a really great picture, V.
You made me giggle Alexa!!!
I had the best encounter here.
I was WAAAAY down in Patagonia once and there was a refreshment place. The woman who lived there and ran it had a collection of plates from all over the world that people had sent to her after visiting. I found one of Huntsvill'e Rocket program and sent to her. I trust she has rec'd it.
It was fun to do tht so, V, I urge you to find a banner ASAP so he'll know whence it came...
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