Friday, November 5, 2010

Paris Pour Moi

I play this game with myself: Pick one photograph, just ONE, that says Paris!  I don't know that I will ever be able to answer that.  This, from Place des Vosges, comes very close.


黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Well observed and composed.
Have a nice weekend.

M said...

Love the angle that you took giving us a nice, long row of oh, so Parisian, cafe chairs. We need to be sitting there this morning enjoying un croissant et un cafe au lait for out petit dejeuner. Bon weekend!

Daryl said...

LOVE this angle .. I did something similar .. not as nice as this

Alexa said...

Just one? Good luck, V! Though this certainly does say Paris—and you didn't have to include the ET. Like M, I'd love to be having le petit dejeuner here with you!

Anonymous said...

Ces chaises vous font penser à Paris? C'est vrai qu'elles sont toujours présentes à la terrasse des cafés!

PeterParis said...

Would be nice tro sit on one of those chairs, in nice company ,... and "coupes" to drink!

TheChieftess said...

Very Paris!!!

Julie said...


Virginia said...

I would be happy to have you all join me right here and I think we can sweet talk Peter into paying for the champagne! :)

Jules, welcome!

Petrea Burchard said...

Pour moi aussi!

What is it about those particular chairs? They seem to be ubiquitous in Paris, like the awful plastic ones are here. (thank goodness these aren't awful)

Starman said...

I think Paris made a deal that they could only be used at their tables.

Paris Paul said...

Loving the skewed symmetry!

PeterParis said...

How many will we be? :-)

Virginia said...

Just bring lots of euros, you know one glass is never enough! LOL