Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Un coup de amin

One of the most charming and unusual carrousels in Paris, the Dodo Manège features extinct and endangered animals.  This petit enfant needed a little help from Papa.


  1. Very sweet!! {I hope they never have to upgrade this carousel to add new animals onto the list.}

  2. Chevaucher un tricératop, cela n'a pas l'air très facile.

  3. How adorable! What a sweet cherub looking face! If I had tried to put my grandson on an animal that looked like that when he was that age, he would have cried and clung to me like there was no tomorrow! He wasn't as brave as this little guy is. :)

  4. What a fun way to introduce children to extinct animals. Interesting how children in the same age group can have fear of something and others do not.

  5. I'm sure I've seen this but can't really remember...which is nothing new lately.

  6. How wonderful and unique, and what a sweet photo!

  7. Ah! the French they think of everything ... I've just returned from a 4 week visit to that beautiful country ... some time spent in Paris and some in rural France but all delightful and full of wonderful treats.

    "All Things French"

  8. My son would have really loved this, but he is in twenties now...

  9. It's not everyday you get to ride a .'somethingasaurus' Virginia, too exciting!

  10. at first glance, it looked like the horns were his feet!!


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