Monday, November 12, 2012

The Tube

The industrial feel of the Centre Pompidou is not really my cup of tea, but I have to admit as a photographer,  it offers endless photo opportunities, marvelous exhibits,  and the views below are really a terrific viewpoint!


  1. You know how much I like the older parts of Paris, but I must admit that I'm one of those who quite like this building, already as such, but of course also for what it contains. We will soon have a new Palace of Justice in Paris (quite close to where I live), designed by the same architect - Piano. There will be a number of exited comments!

  2. It looks like something from a science fiction movie. I agree V - a great place for photography.

  3. Sad to admit I've never been in Centre Pompidou. The great photo encourages me to give it a try. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme if you want to play along.

  4. Haven't been there .... No, I must! Great photo, V! I love the perspective!

  5. Lovely photo with a nice depth..... very well done Virginia.

    greetings, Joop

  6. Interesting photo. I'm with you it's really too industrial looking and cold for me but the view is nice. :)

  7. Oh Peter, I can't wait to see what the new Palais will look like. I think you are a bit more open minded about the art/architecture in Paris than I am. ( Probably due to where we both live!) I have loosened up a bit though I think. :)

  8. I love the Pompidou, although most of their "art" leaves a lot to be desired. I'm particularly fond of this walkway.

  9. Stunning - and very different for you - love the touch of yellow and the industrial look. Have a lovely day. F x

  10. Francesa, I try to step out of "my prissy French box" from time to time! LOL

  11. Not my cup of tes either. But the restaurant at the top has a fantastic view...Janey

  12. I'm with you, V—and the views from this place are pretty awesome too, n'est-ce pas?
    BTW, missed yesterday, but that photo is absolutely gorgeous!

  13. I visited the Centre Pompidou shortly after it opened and loved it, even though at first glance it seemed to have little in common with what I loved about Paris. At that time at least, Pompidou conveyed a sense of vivid exuberance and playfulness that seemed perfectly congruous with Paris. I'm looking forward to what Piano has come up with for Paris now! Leslie in Portland, Oregon

  14. It looks much better from the inside than from the outside. Can't explain why, but I am always drawn to shots like this, with lines moving toward vanishing points. Maybe it is my uncreative mind that likes order.

  15. Un musée qui est fait pour être vu de dedans. Logique finalement.

  16. I agree with you on both counts...

  17. Great photo! I kind of like the Centre Pompidou, it´s different.

  18. Even though you're not sure about the Centre Pompidou , it still looks fabulous through your lens Virginia.

  19. Wow, what a pic!!! Great place for a photographer...

  20. As much as I love your blog. I "hate" that each time I visit it I have to add another place to my "to-do" list in Paris. :)
    More excuses to go back not that I need any <3


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