Monday, September 24, 2012

Bringing Up Bébé in Paris

I'm currently reading Bringing Up Bébé by Pamela Druckerman, a fascinating read.  Although we lovers of all things Paris tend to see the city with rouge colored glasses, it's not an easy life in many ways.  My blog friend Nicola Berry, who writes a delightful blog called Growing Berries shared that with me just yesterday... parfait!   After spending three weeks there a few summers ago with my daughter Melissa and her two young children, I got a taste of what life is like in the big city with small children in tiny Paris apartments.  One perk of course, is that Paris offers such delightful parks where families can spend quality time letting the children run and play. This very chilly Sunday afternoon, I caught this family taking bébé to Luxembourg Gardens for an outing.

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  1. bonjour! my husband and I just moved to Paris this summer with our 4 children. It is a very different in an apartment, taking the metro (not fun with a stroller!)...but we love it all! We have found many parks and playgrounds for the children. the Luxembourg Garden is our favorite! The Jardin D'acclimation was so much fun for the kids also!
    I also read Bringing up bebe!

  2. I still haven't read that book, but it looks as if I need to! My children love the Luxembourg too. Thanks so much for the mention today. Vous êtes très gentille!

  3. Pam, I"ve always wondered how Moms with strollers do the Métro on a regular basis!!! My grandchildren loved the Jardin D'acclimation too, although Eva found the dragon roller coaster a bit terrifying.

    You might have some chapters to add to that book after living there yourself. We'll have to chat about it.

  4. Ma grand-mère aurait dit : Il pourrait mettre sa chemise dans son pantalon !

  5. Thanks for the heads up on the book, I'll have to read it. I can only imagine the difficulty in living in a very small apartment with children. Where would you go for a few minutes of quiet time? Thank goodness for the wide open spaces that parks have to offer, great places for kids to burn off some if their excess energy. I wish I had a smidgen of their energy! HAH

  6. Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver et de vous lire... Je me suis absentée trop longtemps ! Je dois remettre en route ma vie ici à nouveau...
    En août j'ai passé aussi une semaine à flâner dans Paris. Un véritable délice.
    Une très jolie prise photographique...
    Je vous fais de gros bisous.

  7. I am told it is a very interesting book in terms of looking at the 2 cultures...It's on my shelf, waiting...


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