Monday, August 1, 2011

Paris Rouge LIX - Partners

Today, one of my favorite portraits. If Madame looks familiar, she should. I have photographed her three different visits to rue Mouffetard, as she danced with first one man , then another.  Is it any wonder. I think she is fabulous.  She was a late addition to my book, Paris Rouge Through My Lens.

I think Françoise Hardy should sing for you today right here.


  1. She has a timeless beauty, Virginia. Nice portrait. I don't think I saw the pictures you posted last year, so I am glad you showed it again, this time in color.

  2. Oh just wonderful Virginia. I adore your Paris Rouge photos. All of them!

  3. I think she's fabulous too, V. I'm guessing she's quite magnetic in person ~ her dance partners would gravitate like moths to flames.

  4. A lucky man to be able to dance with her and gaze into those welcoming eyes...

  5. She is a gorgeous woman Virginia, she is a perfect example of how a woman 'of a certain age' as they say in France can still look fabulous! The feeling is mutual Virginia, about the getting to know you!

  6. Beautiful portrait. A familiar face, I am sure to have her in some of my pictures taken there on Sunday around noon.

  7. You have captured her beautifully, and how great that she knew to wear rouge!

  8. What an evocative photo! Madame is wonderful. I'd like to have a glass of wine and some conversation with her.

  9. It is always so much fun for me to visit your blog and see Paris through your lens. Beautiful pictures.

  10. she has such a fabulous face, those bones serve her well

  11. What a great job on the focus... Ah, if that mouth could speak... Wait, scratch that, it can!

  12. Que sua semana seja de muita paz,
    que você seja abençoada (o)a cada minuto.
    nunca esqueça que você mora no meu coração.
    Que nossa amizade seja para sempre.
    Bjs no seu coração,Evanir.

  13. Le tango A Paris.
    Belle photo Virginia.

  14. And I'll bet each of her partners was made to feel that he was the only man in the vicinity! I recognized her right away, V. I'll bet she'd be very pleased to know she's in your book.

  15. Beautiful ! Je viens juste de m'offrir votre livre Paris Rouge et j'ai hâte de le recevoir pour admirer vos photos.
    A bientôt Virginia

  16. It's time to dance :)
    Good action picture

  17. What a great shot! Going to your blog is almost like coming home' merci.
    Lapin Agile

  18. What guy wouldn't want to dance with her --- she seems filled with beautiful energy.

  19. Une très belle photo qui ferait une très belle peinture...
    gros bisous

  20. Voilà une scène comme on peu en voir de nombreuses, en France, le jour du 14 Juillet. Sur les places de village, alors que les guirlandes sont dans les arbres et que les jeunes garçons font éclater des pêtards. Le son de l'accordéon ou celui des petits orchestres amateurs illumine toute la nuit, comme les yeux de cette femme de la photo.
    Bravo Virginie pour ce cliché!


Merci pour votre comment!