Sunday, July 31, 2011

le Métropolitan

Line 2

One of the 83 remaining original art nouveau Métro signs designed by Hector Guimard in 1900.  This one is at the entrance at Parc Monceau.


  1. I always smile when I see the splashes of red in your pics Virginia - Lovely post as always.

  2. 83 signs. At different stations? Or 83 in total? I have the one at Parc Monceau but facing other way. I have one at Abbesses. Another at Pere La Chaise. Sounds to me like a challenge to moi-self ...

  3. They are just such a distinct Paris feature, 'art nouveau' and 'art deco' are two of my favourite styles. Lovely picture Virginia with the sun shining on the trees in the background. No sun shining here in Perth today.

  4. Postcard perfect! Great composition.

  5. A beautiful sign that leads to a beautiful spot --- love the original Metro signs --- love, love, love Parc Monceau. Merci for the lovely photo!

  6. Julie, I found that info on the link and it does sound like a lot . This can be your challenge! :)

  7. SO lovely, these signs. And a bonus: the beautiful black-and-gold fence around the park! Bon dimanche, V.

  8. Lovely -- I love the distinctive nature of metro stations in Paris. I suppose a book could be written on this alone, it's probably been done and if it hasnt it needs to be....perfect.

  9. Suzi, actually Genie has read a book on the Metro system and said it had a tad more than you ever wanted to know. She suggested a picture book of all the stations. I said I'd love to help and we could title it:
    Virginia, Lost in Metro Land....!

  10. Oh i am so behind on your posts! I have been working and had a mini vacation. Today a young couple came through my till at work and they are from France! I said how i would love to go to France and it is so beautiful. Their reply to me was that it is much more beautiful here where i live! I told my hubby and he said "there now we don't have to go lol ! "

  11. I can't put my finger on why, but pictures of these art nouveau Metro signs can be counted on to catch my attention and put a smile on my lips. Merci, Virginia.

  12. I remember the first time I saw one of these signs. They have such style. A great Parisienne icon. Hope the 83 remaining signs are never lost.

  13. As a huge fan of art nouveau, these Métro entrances are always a pleasure for me to see, no matter how long I've been living in Paris. Thanks for this lovely shot!

  14. One of the great design classics of all time.


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