Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ma Petite Chatte Noir

Blog break aujourd'hui. Un petit cadeau pour moi, Meeps.

(Rescued and now here for me to love.)


  1. Wonderful exposure and portrait ! Cheers and Happy Weekends to you.

  2. She is absolutely adorable. How lucky she is to be rescued by you.
    Have a nice week-end.

  3. Looks like she is plotting... as all cats do...

  4. AH!!! Elle est très belle. My cat's fur was shaved off yesterday! It's hilarious.

  5. Je fais ma "happy dance" pour vous, Virginia et Meeps! Elle est adorable... I love the little white tuft on her chest, too. Enjoy basking in the joy of your beautiful treasure. And I'm so chuffed at your choice of name ~ our first official Meeps birth, so to speak!

  6. Oh she's just beautiful! Clearly she's deep in thought, rescued and calmly content to be adored.

    Jane x

  7. Aaaw, she sure is cute! I just know the two of you will be meepishly happy together. (And is that your bed she has appropriated?)

  8. Virginia, vous devez écrire :

    ma petite chatte noire (féminin)

    un petit cadeau pour moi (masculin)

    Elle est très mignonne! Elle a de la chance d'être avec vous maintenant!

  9. Adorable .. she has the same markings as our late Gus .. I am betting she will love you a lot ...

  10. Claudine,
    I struggled with the M/F thing (un petit cadeau)! I finally decided it the gift was a she.......well you know! I'll change it. Merci.

  11. Is she focused on a shadow??? She looks meeps-veilleux...félicitations

  12. Meeps is precious Ms V!!! Rescued animals always seem to know that they've escaped an ominous fate and are grateful and just that much more loving!!!

    Of course, our Sadie, who was rescued from a no-kill animal shelter, must've known her fate wasn't so dire...when she joined us, she had so much fun running and jumping across our bed at about 4 or 5 in the morning, she was nicknamed Osama bin Kat...the terrorist kitty...

  13. Merci everyone. Meeps has made the transition from hanging around a dumpster behind the Winn Dixie grocery store to the good life Chez Virginie!! She hasn't missed a beat and hasn't spent but a few waking hours out of someones lap or bed.

  14. Meeps is internationally famous already. Did I tell you I love the name?

  15. Oh, Meeps! She is adorable and so lucky, like her person.

  16. That is a wonderful name for the little one. She is very cute!


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