Sunday, September 12, 2010

Église Saint Séverin

Today's Sunday Church Series takes us back to the beautiful Saint Séverin in the Latin Quarter. I've shown you many photographs from inside, but this last visit we all stuck our cameras through the iron fence to capture the lovely courtyard and flowers growing there. It always amazes me how many delightful things I discover when I revisit places in Paris. I had never noticed this lovely angle before. ( I have another one to share later on!)


  1. I'd love some of those in my garden. Would we call this the Prison Break Angle?

  2. If it was the prison break angle Shell, we'd be on the other side...I'm just sayin'...

  3. HI Virginia, thanks so much for your lovely note. I hope you enjoy Paris Tango and Hippolyte's designs and my little Paris. Many thanks CArla x

  4. Sticking your camera into strange places sometimes gets the best shots.

  5. Lovely photo -- terrific memory! I have some great shots through the fence and credit you with helping improve my meager photographic skills.

  6. Ces jolies petites fleurs blanches ressemblent à des roses !

  7. How 'bout some pics of the Charnel Houses for us morbid kids in the peanut gallery?

  8. There's something about you that just loves a gate or a fence, n'est-ce pas, V? This is beautifully composed!

  9. Shell,
    You know, there are lots of places in Paris that might have the Prison Break Angle! HA

    Thank you all for your kind comments. I"ve been very busy this weekend and regret I haven't been able to thank each of you personally.

    Meeps and I are doing great. She's sitting here and watching me type! I think I have a blog kitty in the making.

  10. Hee! Say, Virginia, if Meeps starts a blog, I'm there.


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