Friday, September 10, 2010

D´jeuner Avec Chandelles

Last trip I took Marie and Genie to my favorite little restaurant, Reminet ( Île de la Cité) for lunch. I was so impressed with myself that I actually found it again, that I didn't think that perhaps we would need une réserve. Not to worry, they had a table for us downstairs. We were delighted. We had the lovely room all to ourselves. This nice vignette was lit by a scrumptious Manuel Canovas candle. We had a wonderful time taking photographs and enjoying our delicious lunch, wine, dessert, and I'm sure they were tickled to have les américains downstairs!


  1. Une belle image! It sounds like you had a lot of fun. There's nothing better than good food, good friends and good chats ;)

  2. Some of the best treasures are "downstairs," Virginia. :)

  3. It surprises me not one jot that they "had a table for us downstairs."
    Undoubtedly a ruse to help them comply with noise abatement regulations...

  4. Sounds rather exciting, being smuggled off downstairs! What a lovely setting...

  5. Your own private dining room .. lovely

  6. Bravo pour ce déjeuner aux chandelles !

  7. Manger dans un restaurant sur l'Ile de la Cité est très sympathique !
    Je suis sûre que vous retournerez dans ce restaurant pendant votre prochain séjour!

  8. Merci everyone for your comments today. I've been a little busy Chez Virginie. Check in tomorrow to see why!

  9. Oh la la, Virginie—une surprise pour demain! Can't wait. Meanwhile, this is quite the (very) French menu. They probably thought they were relegating les Americains to the cave and les Americains were only too glad to have it all to themselves (insert diabolical laugh here).

  10. Alexa,
    Oui, we were so delighted to have the cave all to ourselves and it was lovely and the food was lovely and the Manuel Canovas candle was lovely and we were happy American campers! tee heee.

  11. Beautiful place for both food and photography ! Cheers....

  12. Merci V for taking us for such a delightful repast! Noise abatement was certainly necessary as we truly enjoyed ourselves.


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