Friday, July 2, 2010

As Time Goes By

Place des Vosges

I guess at some point couples go from gazing into each other's eyes, to gazing into their iPhone. I'd like to think that's not always the case. I'm a hopeless romantic!!


  1. What a funny photo depicting the changing times of our lives!!!

    wv: chiess...chief with at lisp!!!

  2. Nice shot. I hope this is not the case as I'm a hopeless romantic too...

  3. Yes, such a wonderful capture! Hopefully it was just a quick peek at the iPhone before resuming their own eye-gazing.

  4. Nice shots! aww , they're soo sweet !

  5. Great photo, I know which couple me and my hubby are .. !

  6. Brilliant shot Virg...I'm in awe of your talent. Was I with you that day...hmmmm?

  7. Mary,
    No this was taken late one day after I'd eaten at Ma Bourgogne. One of those sleeper shots that I thought would go in the trash!

  8. Hi Virginia!

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog.

    I am quite thrilled to discover yours as well. We share a similar point of view regarding Paris, and we're certainly caught the "bug."

    Look forward to checking in on your blog regularly!

    My husband just popped your photos in the mail. Hope you like them!

    - Nichole

  9. What can I say that hasn't already been said? Great shot.

  10. Nichole,
    Merci! I can't wait to receive your photos. What an extra special prize that was!

    For my readers, Nichole's blog is She has an Etsy store by the same name. You'll be getting that credit card out I can assure you.

    You will love love her Paris photos!

  11. Maybe I shouldn't have given my wife an iPhone ???

    I'm not sure she'd be willing to give it up now...

    Is there any hope for romance still ? Even with an iPhone owner ? Are we doomed ???

  12. Owen,
    I'm laughing so hard. I know there's still hope for you and your wife, although there's no hope pour moi I fear.

  13. Gosh I hope they are looking at their phone so they can find a place to sneak off for an afternoon delight

  14. Owen...ever since my husband got his iPhone he hasn't put it down!!!


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