Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Pose

At first I muttered something under my breath when this obvious touriste stepped into my shot. After seeing it again on my computer.............I had to laugh!!!


  1. Classic! I think the tourist really adds something, and gives it scale. I wonder what he was looking at.

  2. Kind of looks like the subject in the painting, sans beard!!!

  3. I am glad you didnt delete it ...

  4. It always bothers me when someone walking in front of me when I'm trying to take a picture or a video. I do have a standard phrase I say loud enough to be heard when it happens.

  5. I'm wondering what Starman's stock phrase is for photo-op interlopers. In this case, I'm glad you took the shot anyway—he adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the composition!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. That's funny! He definitely adds an extra element to the image!

  8. We all like the shot -- and your tourist. (I read the text b/4 the photo downloaded, and thought you wrote tortoise. Had a whole different image in mind.)

  9. That is actually quite good with him there! And, it gives perspective on how big the sign is!


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