Monday, November 2, 2009

Musée d'Orsay, Les Sculptures

As a rule I shy away from photographing great works of art. I feel that they should be viewed in person and certainly my photographs could never do them justice. I've made an exception today, but perhaps I shouldn't have. I'm not sure. That said, here I am posting two pieces from the Musée d'Orsay. I liked the sculpture against the architectural details of this former railway station turned fabulous museum. At least I didn't have someone take my photo standing in front of them!


  1. Well, I'm glad you made an exception, Virginia. Your photographs of them are beautiful ~ I love seeing them 'in situ' with a sense of the background/ceiling, and it just makes me want even more to see them in person.

  2. Very beautiful. I think the D'Orsay requires two visits -- one for the art and one for the gorgeous building.

  3. I'm with Shell on this. And really, I can't get too much of this museum.

  4. Thanks for the peek .. I know I am adding this to my list of must-see/do

  5. Probably my favorite museums in Paris :-) Very nice shots. I have plenty of pics of me in front of famous artworks, but I usually don't share them except with family :-)

  6. These images are gorgeous, the composition and colors.

  7. I didn't read the other comments, but I'm sure they all agree, your pictures never let us down.


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