Monday, November 2, 2009

Row , Row, Row

Another take on the rowboats at the Bois de Boulogne.

I'm joining the terrific photographers at Ailenis's Monochrome Weekly again this week. Please visit and see their fabulous work!

Oh my! My dear amie Shellsheree has done it again. She's used yet another one of my photographs for a delightful Shellsherree watercolor. This time it's macarons. Oh I love them so, and I love her artwork just as much. Merci my dear friend for this honor.


  1. This one's sublime, Virginia! I have a huge soft spot for black and white photos, and this is a beauty. {And thank you ~ it was a pleasure to illustrate your macarons. Lucky I was using watercolours, so the watering of my mouth didn't affect the final result, LOL. Kidding!!!}

  2. A choice image - perfect.

  3. Aileni,
    Thank you. Your group at Monochrome Weekly is a mighty talented bunch. I'm feeling a little out of my league but i'm going to try and hang in there with you all.

    I want a caramel one with my coffee RIGHT NOW!

  4. Fabulous .. and it proves again ToonMan's insistence that '3' is the perfect number

  5. Le Bois de Boulogne, yet another experience to come.

  6. Beautiful! I love the way you've framed it, and the textures and lighting are wonderful.

  7. This is stunning. I love the reflections!


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