Sunday, November 1, 2009

Église St. Urbain

This Sunday we go to Troyes, France and visit Église St. Urbain. Construction on this beautiful example of Gothic architecture was begun in 1262 and it wasn't completed until 1389. Unfortunately the church was closed when we visited so I have only exterior shots.


  1. V, Love your RED doors.......and can't wait for all the comments on your knockers here......beautiful as would be expected!

  2. They certainly want you to know where you can enter ~ when you CAN enter. {For some reason, I thought churches never closed...} That's lovely, Virginia!

    {LOL, Judy!}

  3. Judy, It's just a matter of time!

    Shell, Actually some of the older churches are only open at certain times like the Val de Grace. Most are open daily but it was after 5:00 that day when we visited.

  4. Virginia, I'm enjoying your Sunday church series, both in and out of Paris. Particularly love these unusual red doors!

  5. Anonymous,
    Mais oui!!! :)

    Merci. I enjoy all of your gorgeous Paris photos as well. I'm almost out of church photos though. I have one or two Sudays left I think.

  6. Vivi doesn't actually live in Troyes, she lives in a little place not far from there.

  7. Wow, I'm really loving the beautiful detail in that doorknob.

    I love details like that.

  8. Such a beauty. Love the Gothic church.


Merci pour votre comment!