Saturday, October 31, 2009

Deux Conversations

An Afternoon at the Bois de Boulogne

The title today is thanks to my dear friend Jilly ( Monte Carlo/Menton DP). Yesterday I shared this photo with her, and she commented that actually it was two conversations, between lady and gentleman, and also the birds! I completely missed that. Merci Jilly!


  1. One of those timeless images, Virginia ~ beautiful! {And thanks for the palm reading, LOL.}

  2. Looks like a very relaxed conversation! The birds are also having a conversation going on? :-) Nice monochrome picture!

    Photo:- The Village Woman

  3. It's a beautiful shot - a peaceful conversation between the man and woman and chit chat chit chat between the birds. You'll find a bird on Menton DP today, Virginia and it's for you - to remind you of France. Not Paris but a little bit of Menton for you!

  4. Nice idea from Jilly! Virginia, is this shot taken in le Bois de Boulogne?

  5. Alice,
    Oui, thanks for the heads up on the typo!!

    I can't wait to zip over to Menton and see it. Maybe I'll see Menton in person one of these days!

    It is timeless. I love that the couple are dressed so nicely for their afternoon in the park. So French, so Paris......well you know.

    Merci CKALPESH!

  6. I'm captivated by your banner shot today.

  7. Virginia did not (yet) answer Alice, but I believe I confirm that this was taken at Bois de Boulogne! :-)

  8. Peter,
    Alice knew I think since I had misspelled it in the caption. She was letting me know by asking I think! Thank you both! :) I need lots of editors trying to keep my French etc. all correct. It was a nice afternoon there wasn't it Peter!

    I like it too! It made me smile.


Merci pour votre comment!