Saturday, June 27, 2009

What is It??? Where Is It??? Part 2

Last week's contest was over in a hurry. Well I'm ratcheting up the difficulty now so we'll separate the true Francophiles from the "wannabees"!ha   Most of you will get part of this right away, but there's a catch.  You must tell us WHAT it is and WHERE it is! You may make your guesses in the comments section,  and the winner will be revealed Monday sometime. That will give more Frenchies a chance to play. Remember, a fabulous prize awaits you.  I imagine Dusty Lens has been waiting on his porch for the mailman every day. Let the game begin!

* Peter, Laurent, and all of you other French bloggers out there, sorry you can't compete. That just wouldn't be fair now would it???  


  1. Virginia, you are doing a good job of stumping me. At first, I thought the Eiffel Tower, but then I thought perhaps the Pyramide at the Louvre. Whatever and wherever it is, I love the decorative detailing that can be seen when the photo is enlarged.

  2. I've never been to France (or anywhere outside the US) but I'll guess that its the underside of a bridge over the Seine.

  3. Arggggg!!!! Why did I look at this picture???? I have now looked at pictures of a multitude of major Paris bridges (not the hardship one would imagine)and many pictures of small canal bridges. I have also viewed the Louvre Pyramids from every angle available to Google. Based on the color, the Tinker Toy type pattern and the water underneath I'm going with the Pyramids at the Louvre!!

    Did I win??? Did I??? Huh?Huh?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thought I was stumped, but I got it figured out. We walked by this bridge while eating ice cream cones. At least I think it to be the bridge in my answer. Tough to tell as I was concentrating on the ice cream cone delights. (yes plural, I got 2 hands ;) ) I believe this to be a bridge. Pont dArcole which is on the right bank the far eastern bridge crossing onto the island where Notre Dame is located. Oh, and we got our ice creams in Island de St. Louis.

  6. Keep those guesses coming in mes amis! I'll announce the winner on lundi ! :)

  7. Bring me back some of their best macaroons! Please Overnite it.

  8. I think I know... but i'm going to stay "muette comme une tombe"! (silent like a grave). Very hot here too, and no swimming-pool, just the sea...:-))

  9. Poo! Apparently Google does not recognize the Pont dArcole Bridge as a "steel girder bridge in Paris, France".

    Oh well, the quest made for an interesting evening pastime.

    (Pssst...I don't think Dusty should win, after all, he already had TWO ice creams ;))

  10. I'm not nearly as knowledgable of Paris and France as most of you others that are guessing, but I thought I'd give it a shot. After some research on google, I believe this to be the Le pont Mirabeau bridge over the Seine, in the 15/16 Arrondissement, connecting Quai Andre Citroen, and Voie Georges Pompidou. Near port de Javel Bas. Since this is product of google and a wee bit of my own knowledge, some of it might be completely ludacris! I'll cross my fingers!

  11. Rip,
    You are pretty clever for a 5th grader. How did you get so smart? Must be that fabulous teacher you had in 3rd grade right? Don't worry, even if you don't win, I'll stop by and leave you a little prize anyway. Tell your mom I'd like to chat before I go back to France!

    I see some of you are getting serious about this. Keep at it. I'll name the winner tomorrow!

    What flavor macarons would you like? I highly recommend caramel!!

  12. I know! I know! But you stated that I couldn't play. It's fun to read the other guesses though.

  13. Starman,
    Why can't you play? You're in the US right??? Have at it!

  14. Pont Neuf? its a pont because I can voir the Seine .. bad back has kept me from reading blogs, cant sit for long but I am taking a brief respite from resting and am pretending back is well and I am wandering Paree ..

  15. Well, I'm not allowed to say anything, so... ! :-)

  16. Peter,
    Not a word! Don't give even a hint. They are getting close don't you think???
    PS. I will bring you a prize since you've stayed out of the contests! ha

  17. Oh, shoot. Not win for two ice creams?! But that was just a pre lunch sampler before the after lunch ice cream. Dang, I need to make a gelato run, now. I'm still holding firm to my guestimate, but somehow feel it melting.


Merci pour votre comment!