Friday, June 26, 2009

The Welcoming Hands

This series of sculptures is close to my heart. I first saw one of them on a blog in 2007,  soon after I came home from my first trip to Paris.  When I returned last November I searched  the Jardins des Tuileries but never found them.  Luckily, my friend Peter located them and did a post  and photographed them when he featured all of the Tuileries sculptures!  When we met for our night shoot a few weeks ago, he took me to the very spot before it got dark.  All I can say is that they are as beautiful as I had imagined .  In my opinion, they are some of the most beautiful sculptures I have found in Paris. The artist , Louise Bourgeois, has created this amazing installation.  I asked him to be my "model" so that you could get a sense of their size.  If you are fortunate enough to visit the gardens , you will find them  on the upper level overlooking the Place de la Condorde. I've changed my banner photo to give you a sense of where they are located.  Merci Peter!


  1. Bourgeois is such an amazing artist. Thank you for sharing these photos of her work.

  2. You should have had someone photograph you and Peter in the same pose.

  3. Starman,
    The photographers are NEVER in a picture! ha
    Maybe when I go back in a few weeks we can bribe someone to do just that!

  4. This sculpture is beautiful. I hope I'll be able to find it on my next trip to Paris. Thanks for this post.

  5. Now I want to see them in person...

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these images. I love her work and I also love images of hands. This is a glamorous posting!


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