Saturday, July 2, 2016

Massage gratuit

This Sunday, as Mary and I strolled up rue Mouffetard, we spotted the free massages. I was as frequently the case, struggling with my sciatica, and this seemed like a dream come true. In my franglais, I explained, avec some sign language, that I really needed help with that area. As Mary took the camera, she captured the start and I'm happy to report that Monsieur helped my back. I was happy to put quite a few euros in the cup!

Tonight, as I am again dealing with the same problem, I'm wishing I could take advantage of  Monsieur's expertise!


  1. I guess you will have to go back tomorrow.

  2. That could come in very handy after a long day.

  3. Nice way to get the tension out and relax.

  4. What a great find!

    I also suffer from sciatica. With that and blisters from walking miles this would be un petit paradis.

    Last time I was in Paris I saw some people holding "free hugs" signs which seemed a little strange in France.


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