Friday, January 22, 2016

La vue d'en haut

My very first trip to Paris in 2007, I climbed to the dome of the Sacre Coeur with my daughter and granddaughter. We didn't set out to do that but got in the wrong line to see the crypts. When I finally arrived at the top, this is what I saw. The whole city of Paris at my feet and la Tour in the distance. In 2009, friends Peter, Maya and Janet "persuaded" me to do it one more time. This is the photo I took in July, 2009. The view leaves you breathless in many ways!

I am thrilled to finally announce that my PHOTOS IN FRENCH photo collections are now available as a resource for French teachers across grade levels on World of Reading. It's been a long time coming and hope that if you teach French or know someone who does, you will share this resource.


  1. What a beautiful shot... and so smog-free.

  2. Ahhhh. . .this photo brings back such wonderful memories. And congratulations on your book. What a sense of accomplishment.

  3. Wow! What a view!
    Another thing to add to my list of things that I haven't yet done in Paris.

  4. What a great composition! And bravo on your Photos in French project!

  5. Thank you Veronique, French Girl in Seattle, for correcting my title as I requested.

  6. Fabulous! I could see this as a mega-mural! What a breathtaking view!

  7. I did the very same thing thinking I was going down and ended going up, up, up. Having a fear of heights and all those stairs in very tight quarters it was quite the experience but oh the view! Would I do it again, no, but I am so glad I accidentally saw this glorious site.

  8. Kathleen, I'm happy ago know we weren't the only ones who made that mistake!


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