Friday, March 6, 2015

Beaucoup des livres!

The  Abbey Bookshop, gives Shakespeare and Company a run for their money. Started in 1989 by Canadian Brian Spence, their website claims they have over 35,000 books in English. How they have any idea how many books are in this fabulous shop, I have no idea. Located near the Saint Severin Church, it's worth a stop.


  1. I can't say know this bookshop well V but, being just down the road from where we stayed last year, I know where it is and we did pop in for a browse. Fascinating place.

  2. Fascinating, brings the idea of bookshelves and books contained to new heights!

  3. Bonjour! Nice pic of the books stacked up from floor to ceiling.

  4. It looks like the kind of bookstore I'd love, but there is something about Shakespeare and Co…….

  5. I adore old book shops, it's the smell.
    Sounds crazy, but they have a certain
    smell, can't describe it.

  6. Merci beaucoup. Je connais bien St Séverin mais je n'ai pas trouvé ce bouquin, je le chercherai!

  7. What a very appealing image Virginia, j'adore!

  8. For anyone who likes floor-to-ceiling books where you can get in there and dig around, this place is definitely the tops! Be prepared to stay for a while and maybe brush up against other bibliophiles. It's worth it--you never know what you might find. The owner is Canadian and most of the books are in English--sometimes a rarity in Paris.

  9. I'm sure by the looks of it that the staff have things organized in a way they can find things- though it might look very different to us!

  10. This is why I had to get a Kindle—my house was starting to look like this. Seriously couldn't you spend hours and hours in here? (Maybe you did!)

  11. I love independent bookstores, though this one looks like a bit of a tripping hazard.

  12. I could spend several hours in there!

  13. This many choices would make my head spin ~ it looks very cosy and lovely, dear V. Bon weekend to you and Meepsie ... x0


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