Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let Them Eat Macarons!

This from Les Marquis de Ladurée, their new chocolat boutique. Sadly I didn't go inside but you can read more about this sinfully delicious shop on the great blog Paris In Four Months here

Les Marquis de Ladurée
14 rue de Castiglione
75001 Paris

Bon Jour du Macaron!!!

I am pleased to announce the opening of my Etsy Store, Paris Through My Lens, offering a collection of my Paris photographs for sale. 


  1. Une belle initiative que la journée du macaron...
    gros bisous

  2. Hi V. Wooweee! Now that's what I call a display. Can I have one from the bottom row please? J.

  3. When I first looked at that picture, I thought it was a pyramid of bananas and I hoped people would buy them before they all went bad! Great shot.

  4. Oooh, magnificent. And thanks so much for the heads up on this magnificent new location, I hope to check it out.

  5. I honestly don't know what everybody is on about; I very happily live without ever eating another macaron.... in Switzerland we have the 'Luxemburgerli' (small Luxembourg) - trade mark of Sprüngli (and no, I've NO idea why they are called Luxemburgerli as this is a pure Swiss confisérie)...
    What I DO like however is the decorations in all those very prestigious shops - I take umpteen photos because the beauty of their displays (without the weight gain!)
    Love your title.... :)

  6. 'Chocolate Boutique' two words ever :)

  7. I am gasping with the beauty of this! And my mouth is watering, craving a macaron! It's glorious!

  8. Do they ever sell what is in those displays, or are they just made for show?

  9. Oh là là—a veritable mountain o' macarons! Here in NYC, there are about 20 bakeries celebrating Macaron Day by giving out free ones (or one, more likely). Unfortunately, Ladurée is not among them.

  10. You know, of course, Marie Antoinette never said, "Let them eat cake."

  11. That big macaron pyramid looks like salted caramel .... my very favourite. Yum!

  12. I could spend twenty years trying to stack macarons like that, and it would fall down every time.

  13. Magnificent, V. And I love the plaster relief {or whatever it is!} in the walls behind those luscious macarons. Spectacular.


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