Thursday, March 21, 2013

Les Ombres

Le Marais

I am pleased to announce the opening of my Etsy Store, Paris Through My Lens, offering a collection of my Paris photographs for sale. 


  1. A classic Hotel sign. Now I'm about to hop over to your new store to check out what goodies you have on offer.

  2. Great idea, opening your new print store. Wishing you orders aplenty, dear V. And I love this one, especially the shadow of the lantern. x

  3. I like this one, Virginia. We see the handsome lantern without seeing it.

    Good luck with the sales at your store.

  4. Wonderful composition, the shadow is beautiful and perfect!

  5. Congrats, I wish you a succesful venture!

  6. What an eye you must have to see and capture this image.

  7. Absolutely love that picture - it shouts Paris.

  8. Lovely shadow play Virginia..good luck with the Etsy Store, your photographs are quintessential Paris!
    p.s. flip flops are the only way to go here in summer, black slops are almost a 'cool' fashion statement :)

  9. A une époque, à Paris, il y avait des "dessinateurs d'ombres" qui traçait, la nuit, sur les sols, les contours des ombres des "mobiliers urbains" à la lumière des réverbères.

    Je ne sais pas si cela existe toujours, mais ta photo me fait penser à cela.

  10. A most excellent shadow, V! And here's hoping business is very brisk over at your Etsy store (where I am headed now).

  11. best of luck Virginie; I know a lot of people who merit much less their Etsy store for photos and I wish you a roaring succes!!!! I'm so glad I've found you sometimes back... :)
    bisous, Kiki

  12. @ Alain: Je sais de quoi tu parles, Alain - je n'ai jamais (encore) vu ça en France mais au Canada, j'ai vécu.... c'est chouette!


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