Thursday, December 27, 2012

Trop Fatigué

I have felt like these tourists at the Panthéon many times.  I think if I didn't travel with such energetic friends I would have done this very thing!


  1. Too much to see and do and too little time in which to do it!

  2. I always like to get back to my room for a few zzzzzzzz's when traveling.

  3. I'd do all I could to hang in there until I got back to the hotel room. But it makes for a nice photo, V!

  4. Rest is what you do when you get back home ... GO is wat you do when you're in Paris!

  5. That would be me too! There is so much to see and do and so little time to do it! I would find myself a nice cafe to sit for a while sipping coffee and be content to watch all the people coming and going. :)

  6. Agreed, M! They're way too young to be done in like that—or maybe they were out very late the night before! Great shot, V --

  7. Moments of peace and tranquility are essential to a truly edifying travel experience. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off may give you a long list of what you've "seen" or "done," but does it really leave you with a full savoring or appreciation of any of it? Leslie in Portland, Oregon, USA

  8. Hmmm. Maybe they were prostrate in prayer rather than exhausted!

  9. Traveling does that to you, doesn't it? Interesting photo, Virginia. Happy New Year!

  10. Oh, these folks seem to have taken "visit Paris in one day"! :)
    Wishing you all the best for 2013!
    God bless you!

  11. It IS exhausting trying to see it all, but you really do have to try!!


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