Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A la pêche aux euros

We happened upon Monsieur, dangling a line in the water below the Daniel Buren's Les Deux Plateau at the Palais Royal.  Pourqoui??  Peter has a few words with him, and he explained he was catching euros on a magnet.  He did not share how many he's captured.


  1. Il est vrai que les rivières s'appauvrissent en poissons ! Alors pourquoi ne pas se reconvertir ?!...
    très jolis clichés...

    Gros bisous et tous mes voeux de bonheur pour 2013.

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  3. This is SO funny Virginia .... perhaps that's what I need to do on my next trip to Paris ... Pourquoi pas?

  4. Only in France! This is too funny.....hope you had a wonderful Noel~

  5. Not nearly as messy as fishing for fish. And more profitable.

  6. Happy Christmas Virginia,
    Great images. Do you suppose he needs the Euros? I often spot newly retired people at the beach happily following their metal detector and hoping for a treasure

    Helen xx

  7. Wow, that must take some patience!
    Hope you had a great Christmas Virginia

  8. Wow -- that's pretty clever but it must be hard time to go fishing for euros!

  9. I sure never would have thought to do that! I wonder how much money he has picked up doing that?

  10. Really! I guess you have to find something to keep you busy.

  11. This is funny, but maybe this man really needs the money, so, really not that funny!

  12. I'll have to bring a magnet and string next time I visit - perhaps I can pay for the trip!

  13. very typical 'old fashioned' French!
    Love it!

  14. From what I found on the internet, only the 1,2,& 5 c pieces are made with any magnetic sensitive metal

  15. This is a wonderful photo of the human spirit. It is in the unknown story that is fascinating and the photo allows us to use our imagination. If Patience is a virtue this man wins the prize!!!!

  16. Wonderful—and I'm going to remember this! Enjoyed your last few posts, even if I was too busy to comment. :~} Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, V --

  17. Lucky he doesn't live in the US where he could go to jail for what he's doing!

  18. Haha! Good luck to him..but what are the coins doing down there in the first place Virginia?

  19. one way is as good as any other ... to get rich ...


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