Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Soccer au Palais Royal

Jackets, scooters and skateboards are stashed against a column in the Gallery d'Orléans

Imagine being a young boy living in Paris. On Wednesdays you are out of school,  so you are free to meet up with your friends for a quick pick up game of soccer.  Where do you play? Why the Palais Royal of course.  Be careful that you don't kick you ball into the Pol Bury Fountains!!!!


  1. Il n'y a plus beaucoup d'endroits, dans les villes, où les enfants peuvent encore jouer au ballon. Je suis étonné que cela ne soit pas interdit dans les jardins du Palais Royal.

  2. I do like the retreating column bases and the touch of rouge against the cream.

  3. They had to park their transportation before they could partake of the sport. Love the touch of rouge!

  4. Alain,
    I took this several years ago but a group about their age were playing ball last January when Peter and I walked through the gardens. In fact, I think I might have recognized one of the boys!

    Thanks Joe, I loved it for the same reason as you and Marie do.

  5. Boys and their toys! If these were stashed on the ground in the US they would be gone! A thief, no doubt would grab them up! :)

  6. Yes, in the USA unless you were standing right next to that stash it would be gone in an instant. Even if you left it inside your car....it would be gone. So beautiful to see a place in this world one is still able to be as carefree as this photo implies.

  7. They've got some nifty equipment. Unfortunately, what Kristie says is true (at least here in NYC).

  8. When I first looked at this photo, I could not understand why you titled it "Soccer (soccer is futbal in Europe) au Palais Royal".

  9. As a mother of two boys, 15 & 9, I love this shot. It encapsulates their lives...except for the Wednesdays off.


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