Monday, December 3, 2012

Nöel lèche vitrine

The shop windows in Paris during the Christmas season are just spectacular.  This day I caught my friends doing a little window shopping at Galerie Vivienne.

Merci MY FRENCH LIFE for featuring a number of my Paris Christmas photos!


  1. At Christmas,in Paris, shop windows become real fairy tales worlds!

  2. Delightful image V. Christmas does present some wonderful photo opportunities.

  3. That´s exactly what I will be doing in two weeks!

  4. Bonjour Virginia. This photo made me feel homesick this morning, and for more reasons than one. I have always loved Christmas in Paris; la Galerie Vivienne is my favorite "passage;" le Grand Colbert is right new door for lunch, or for a late afternoon "gouter" (snack...") -- Le sigh. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. So pretty, V. Makes me want to be in Paris right about now. :)

  6. What everyone has said: Love it, miss it, want to be there—moi aussi! (Loved all the images on My French Life too.)

  7. Such beautiful photos, V, as always. I was in Paris last Christmas and the city takes on a magical feel. Thank you for sharing.

  8. It is so much cheaper peeking into the windows instead of going inside.


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