Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mademoiselle Li's

Artist Hippolyte Romain created this lovely little tearoom, Mademoiselle Li, in the Jardin d'Acclimation in the Bois de Boulogne.  As the Jardin's artisitic director, his delightful illustrations are found all over the park, and on the outside walls of the masion de thé.  We had lots of kiddos with us the day we visited so the tearoom was not on the list.  Maybe I'll have another chance one day.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting blogger Janey ( Thick and Thin Air) and husband Tom as the stopped in Birmingham on their way through B"ham.  Janey loves Paris too and we met through this blog.  We had a great time sharing travel stories but of course it wasn't long enough. I hope they will make this a regular stop from now on and we can continue....


  1. How lovely that you, Janey and Tom met up in person! I hope you get to continue the conversation sooner rather than later. And those tea rooms look beautiful, dear V ~ something to enjoy on your next trip!

  2. You could write a book about Paris and friendship! Think about it!

  3. His illustrations are as you say delightful Virginia, whimsical even..and how nice to meet Janey, she's so lovely!

  4. What a delight to meet Janey and her husband. We get to know so many wonderful friends through blogging and then it is a special treat to actually meet them...

  5. I love the illustrations...they are so colorful and pretty. How nice that you were able to visit with Janey and her husband. I think it's wonderful when you can actually meet the people who visit you through blogging. It is a great picture of the both of you! :)

  6. How nice for you to meet Janey and her hub—and how nice for her to meet you! And wasn't Hyppolyte Romain lucky to be able to draw wherever he wanted in the Bois?? (Fortunately, he has talent!)

  7. I love the paintings & I most often don't like outdoor style paintings...You all look like sisters!!


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