Tuesday, October 23, 2012

L'envie bracelet

Those of you that know me well, know that I always wear two silver bracelets, sometimes more.  When I have visited Alexis in his couture shop in the Marais, I can't take my eyes off this armload he wears.  He's an interesting man.  Although he has never been rude, and always allowed me to poke around and shoot his fabulous evening gowns, he's always a bit blasé,  as if he has other things to do.  Peut-être très français?


  1. Hope he takes them off if he takes an air trip. The metal detectors would go crazy.

  2. Joe makes me smile! But ho, it must be so heavy, all that silver!

  3. oh la la...j'imagine qu'ils sont lourds!

  4. His bracelets sure aren't blasé! I wonder how much they weigh! What a dramatic close up, Virginia!

  5. Worth his weight in silver! I love his arm stack very very cool just like Alexis.... Carla xx

  6. I love a lot of bracelets but on a man? I don't know....

  7. Carla, have you been in to meet Alexis? His gowns are over the top and I"ve had fun shooting them. My daughter walked by one day when he was sitting in the window sewing a wedding dress smokin' away! :) I think you should do a shoot in there.

    Joe, HA! I was going to add that the only men I take my bracelets off for are the TSI guys at the airport! :)

    I never thought about the weight, but you're all right, must weigh a ton but they are a pain to put on and off.

  8. Well, if you can't find a bracelet that you like from the stack on his wrist I guess you just won't find one anywhere! Nice variety! :)

  9. With all that metal on his arm, it's amazing he can lift it.

  10. I'm green with silver envy. I also wear a few silver bracelets—or at least I did. I took them off and put them in a safe place before I went to Ecuador, and now I can't remember where I stashed them! :~{

  11. Wow, so many bracelets!! I can´t stand anything around my wrists.

  12. Well, Virginia, this is a first! It is not a trend I am likely to follow.

  13. I don't wear bracelets often, but I love the look of this stack of argent!

  14. Too much !
    Sympa mais à la longue ça doit peser lourd ?
    Et puis quand il y en a trop on ne voit plus rien !!!


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