Friday, October 19, 2012

Afternoon on rue de l'Arbalète

The men gather outside the bar for a beer and conversation.  La vie est belle!


  1. Wonderful lighting and capture, V. I love this little street just off Mouffetard. I wonder if they would have a little glass of wine for us. I think that I do see just one woman.

  2. Looks like they are enjoying a beautiful sunny day. That is what I enjoyed about Paris, being able to stop at a cafe and enjoy the day just watching people. I really wish they had places here where we could do that. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, V!

  3. Virginia, I love this photo and spent some time looking at the people ... then, I found myself fascinated by the lamps! Great B&W!!

  4. This is great in b and w, V—and why don't we know how to live like that here, eh?

  5. This is what a French cafe is all about! Wonderful shot, Madame V. -- Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Great image which captures the essence of French life - black and white is parfait. Bisous

  7. Now, that would be an enjoyable group to join.

  8. Interesting shot Virginia. It makes me smile because of the men sitting in the sun. If that was in Malaysia, they would all be camped out on the other side of the road in the shade!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Courtesy of living where the sun is fierce, I'm sitting here hoping they've slopped {on sunblock} and are about to slap {on a hat}! But it's a wonderful sight and photo, dear V. Here's to relaxing times with good friends.

  10. Beautiful monochromatic photo, Virginia.

  11. Love this B&W street scene, how French can you get!


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