Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Church Series - View With A Price

I'd guess that many of  you have not ever had this particular view.  Taken from the dome of the Sacre Coeur,  it's a trip up that is not for the faint hearted!   I have seen it twice, once by mistake in 2007,  and the second time due to peer pressure!  This was taken July, 2009 with blog pals Peter, Maya and Janet.   Peter has concurred that this is the bell tower of  Saint-Pierre de Montmartre ( his blog post here )  and the small Cemetery of the Calvary adjacent.  If you've never visited this little resting place in Paris, it's probably because you weren't at the gate on the only day it's open, November 1st of each year.  I would love to have a chance to see it,  but Peter's photos will probably have to suffice for most of us.


  1. So, next time in Paris will be around November 1? :-)

  2. What a beautiful view . I love this photo.

  3. Visiting from Francesca! Lovely picture! I have been to Paris a couple of times, but need to go back soon though...Lovely city! Incredible that you travel there so often from the U.S! I have been to the U.S, but only to L.A, Las Vegas and Hawaii - have to see more!
    Best wishes

  4. Une vue extraordinaire qui nous laisse penser qu'on se trouve dans un petit village français loin du tumulte de la ville!...Gros bisous à vous et bon dimanche.

  5. Well, looks like you paid the price and all of us got the view... :)
    God bless you!

  6. Totally worth the price to get this wonderful view! You must agree, V, since you've done it more than once. Hope you're having a great weekend, ma chère.

  7. I love this photo, when I was in Paris they were working on the stairs and we couldn't go up. Lovely.

  8. Great point of view! Thanks for climbing all those stairs for the rest of us who haven't (and probably won't be doing it).

  9. I don't see you as the kind of girl to climb up to the top of Sacre Coeur. Were spirits involved?

  10. Fantastic shot it V even though I am terrified of heights!!!

  11. Oh Virginia, this is really something. (Not that every inch of Paris isn't something!) I'd schedule my trip around November 1st just to see it.

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  13. I'm totally going to enjoy this view vicariously through Peter's eyes Virginia. The Sacre Coeur is one of my fav places in Paris, even from the front the view over Paris is spectacular oui!

  14. Sorry to be nosy, but I really really have to ask: How does one end up in the dome of Sacre Couer by "accident"? :)


  15. Bev,
    HAAAA I knew someone would ask that. My daughter, granddaughter and I were going DOWN to the crypts, paid some euros in the machine and went through a turnstile.....steps leading UP.....way up.....over 250. We still dont' know what happened. the sign on the door said crypts ( and probably dome as well). I thought I would surely die on the trip up but knew they'd never get a stretcher up the narrow curving stairs!


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