Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paris Rouge - Le photographe

Some of you might remember this photographer I met at Marché des Enfants Rouges as Fabian Breuvart and his friend were French Strangers # 72 and 73 .  Well this last trip I returned to give him a copy of the photograph.  He was hard at work doing a shoot inside of  his shop, but stopped long enough to accept my gift.  Look at all that red. My kinda guy.


  1. Really , a very interesting and nice portrait of a man doing his job!

  2. The colour in the whole photograph works for me. Nice rouge, greys and ivory whites.

  3. It was so lovely of you to go back and give him a copy of the photo. I'll bet you made his day, V!

  4. The portrait is beautiful and I like the story!
    I'm also enchanted by your header!

  5. Great portrait! He is such a nice person and his shop is fascinating ... filled with interesting photographs.

  6. so lovely and thoughtful to give photos to your 'subjects'

  7. Ah, yes, Fabien Breuvart! I returned a portrait to him last April with Marie and he gave me two small b/w prints of his (very small).

    This is a great photo and of course I love the rouge... You have captured this enigmatic photographer at his work - bravo!

  8. This is a beautiful photo! He looks seriously hard at work. I love the pops of rouge too!

  9. I'm LOVING your new banner! I feel as though I'm standing right there with you, silent and dreaming.

  10. Suz, you are right there with me every day! :) Merci. I worried that it was a bit somber but thought it would be a nice change.

    Genie, Fabien is quite a character. I actually was drawn to the rouge in his shop before I ever honed in on him the first visit! LOL

  11. Paris has always been a dream. When I was a child I won a city wide art contest and my piece was sent to New York to represent my town at a teachers convention. That award started my dream, I was around 10 years old. Well, I have my doubts now if that dream will ever happen, but I feel honored to be able to roam the streets of Paris through your lens. Thank you for the privilege. Please accept my invitation to visit and hopefully to follow my blog, as well. Your newest follower, Connie :)

  12. What an interesting man and I love all the red.

  13. I love all of your French strangers, V, but I can see why M. Breuvart is one of your faves—he has a great face! And I really like all the red, especially the wires. :~}

  14. Love how you captured M.'s face, partially hidden by the umbrella. Love, love the banner photo.

  15. Excellent subject - the photographer is photographed :-)


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