Friday, March 30, 2012

Un bon livre au Palais Royal

The day I arrived in Paris last January, as Peter and I walked through the Palais Royal, we spotted these two adorable young girls seated on a Buren Column enjoying their books amidst the flurry of activity going on around them.  The weather was quite chilly but children of all ages ran and climbed among the columns with their parents happily chasing behind or pushing strollers, while others rode bikes or scooters amongst these very graphic and controversial pillars. Another reason I love Paris, readers everywhere!

I just received news last night that the Girl's Guide to Paris has chosen my blog as one of their best Paris blogs!  I'm am very honored and I hope you will check out their site right HERE!


  1. Qui a dit que l'art ne servait à rien ? Ici, il sert au moins à s'asseoir.
    Who said that art was of use for nothing? Here, it serves at least for sitting down.

  2. Toutes mes félicitations pour l'attribution du plus bon blog...
    Je suis très touchée par cette belle photo que vous publiez aujourd'hui... Elle véhicule beaucoup d'émotions...
    Gros bisous à vous.

  3. An interesting concept of bench!
    ADorable girls!

  4. Every place is good to read a book! even if Buren would not be my first choice.. :o)
    Congrats for your selection on Girl's guide! you deserve it.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS VIRGINIA!!! Oh, and the petite filles are adorable!

  6. Yes, congratulations on the recognition! The girls should be a poster for BOOKS!

  7. I am not surprised! Congrats though!

    Love the little readers. Years ago I told my six yr old to put three books back, that she could only check out seven (my limit). The Librarian inquired if she would read all ten? When I said yes, she said "Mom this is not something you want to put limits on"!!

  8. Not sure this is what Buren had in mind when he erected the infamous columns, mais pourquoi pas? Lovely little girls and such dedicated readers already. Félicitations on making the Girl's Guide to Paris "best of Paris" list, V. Quite an achievement! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  9. This is REALLY something !
    I am SOOOO impressed !
    Bravo !
    Bravissimo !
    keep up the good work !
    might be a little less present the coming days because am traveling to Istanbul

  10. A perfect use for Buren's columns—and so beautifully captured by you. Your inclusion among the Girl's Guide's choice of best Paris blogs was more than well-deserved, V (looks like you're in some good company too)!

  11. Readers everywhere! Definitely my kind of city. Of course i knew that. (That it's my kind of place, i mean.) :) Engrossed in reading with so much going on. I was like that as a girl and i still am. Beautiful picture. I adore all your photos! Every one fantastic.

  12. Congratulations Virginia! This image is so sweet. These little girls look so engrossed in their books and are dressed very chic as well!

  13. Yes, we were both touched to see these little girls, sitting and reading calmly, while the boys of the same age were running around, jumping on the columns.
    With all the charming photos you have in stock, you were more patient than I to show them!
    ... and yes, of course: Congratulations!!

  14. Congratulations Virginia!!! Well deserved!

    Darling shot!!!

  15. Adorable image and a VERY well deserved recognition Virginia, all I can say is Girl's Guide to Paris has extremely good taste!!


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