Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Church Series - Des amis fidèles

The Basilica Saint Denis is an amazing church filled with rows and rows of beautiful marble statuary, a veritable Who's Who of French royalty.   Many  have faithful friends, such as these, at their feet.  My friend Owen at Magic Lantern Show was our guide that day, and he has done a marvelous post on many of these as well right  HERE.  He and I seemed to have had a "foot fetish" that day.  More on that later!


  1. I think this is the sweetest example of a foot fetish I've seen, V. Lovely.

  2. Wonderful light in these photos V. An unusual subject for a sculpture in a Church but beautiful nonetheless.

  3. Are they cute! Wonderful light V.
    Have a nice sunday!

  4. That you for the tour of this beautiful church. Have a spectacular Sunday

  5. Incredible marble work! Looks at this pattern of "cloth" underneath the dogs, what a craft!
    God bless you!

  6. Love St. Denis; enjoying this pic more, Virginia, as I just returned from walking my own two dogs. Have a lovely Sunday~

  7. I've really got to get up there one of these days. And when I do, I'll be sure to keep an eye on the floor! :)

  8. They're very cute - and it's a wonderful piece of sculpture.

  9. I followed your link to Magic Lantern Show, which I had never visited before. Great post, great photos. Your photo today puts me in mind of Back to back, belly to belly, I don't give a damn, I done dead already . . .


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