Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sea Bird

The fountains in the gardens of Paris are usually full of brightly colored sailboats, pushed to sea by children with their sticks I've shown here.  In January,  no sailboats were to be found at the Jardin du Luxembourg this chilly but sunny Sunday afternoon.  A few children brought their own remote operated speed boats however.  This petite jeune fille was in control and the others watched intently!


  1. On voit aussi beaucoup d'adultes s'amuser ainsi.

  2. Great expressions from the children. You caught them captivated by the seabird.

  3. Another Filly at the Helm
    Go girl! Looks like fun.
    You must have had a beautiful Sunday,


  4. What a wonderful, uplifting blog, this one of yours!

    ...the photography, the music, the thoughtful words... food for the heart, to start the day. Thank you.

    Every photograph put me there as it deepens my desire to actually be there.

  5. It would be ineteresting to find old pictures and to show a serie "boats and kids" through ages!

  6. I am sure she had a lot of 'back seat' drivers offering help

  7. I'm sure they're having fun—but they look so intent! Play is serious business when you're a kid.

  8. It is good to see kids engaged in simple playing. Outside. No computers. No parents.


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