Thursday, November 17, 2011

70e Anniversaire de l'appel du Général de Gaulle

This enormous banner was hung on the facade of the Hôtel de Ville in June, 2010.  From a distance it is obviously a portrait of Gen. de Gaulle.  Take a closer look, it's fascinating. The banner says:

Ce portrait a été réalisé à partir de l'affiche diffusée à Londres en 1940 et des photographies de 1016 femmes et hommes Compagnons de la Libération

"70th anniversary of General de Gaulle’s call. 
This portrait is based on the poster which was published in London in 1940 and on photos of 1016 women and men, Companions of the Liberation."

*Merci Peter for the translation and for this link.


  1. Awesome. Wish I had seen this in person. Ah, le grand Charles. Half my family loves him; half my family hates him. Long story. I recently saw an excellent documentary about his career on TV5. Love him or hate him, "c'était quelqu'un!" --- Veronique

  2. This banner is amazing. I too took photographs of it when I was in France last year!

  3. I would be curious to know why half of French Girl's family hates him. Of course, few persons can be admired to 100%, but "half the family"? :-)

  4. A wonderful piece of art...would anyone expect less from Paris? Non.


  5. That banner is a great piece of art Virginia.
    Showing Gen De Gaulle and the photographs of all those people of French Resistance.

  6. A marvelous photo capturing the Ch de Gaulle portrait!
    Bravo, V de B!

  7. I was lucky and saw this in person last year too. It's so well done.

  8. Fascinating! The power of photography!

  9. i love the shots you got of this! Very well executed!

  10. HI Virginia, isn't this cool.. love all the portraits close up.. Fab photo. Carla

  11. I like those pictures made of pictures!And about "le Grand Charles", I'm with Veronique: Wether you like him or not, he was a fabulous person!

  12. I'm always fascinated when I see this type of art.

  13. Thanks for sharing—this is so cool! When I was living there in the '60s, most of my French friends were not big fans of le général (but I was too young and stupid to understand why).

  14. Fabulous.. I love this type of art.. so clever.. wish I'd seen that!!

    Have a great weekend.. ciao xxx Julie

  15. For a long time, when I visited Paris, it was Ingrid Betancourt's banner hanging at the Hotel de Ville, until she was finally released. I need to research de Gaulle. Should know more. Thanks for reminding me!
    Bon weekend, Kirsten


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