Sunday, October 2, 2011

Une Autre Croix - Cimetière de Passy

I've found these lovely porcelain crosses and wreaths at each and every cemetery I've visited in Paris. I think they become even more beautiful as they weather.  Last January, after a rainfall, I thought this one very special, with the fallen leaves.


  1. Yes, those are exceptional. So happy that you thought to photograph them and share them. To be honest, I was so awestruck in my first visit that I had to think about when to take photos as I wanted to gawk too much.

  2. I was taking shots of porcelain flowers at a cemetery here in Sydney, just yesterday. You have shown us a particularly beautiful example.

  3. Un objet d'art et de foi, Virginia.
    Avoir un bon week-end.

  4. We have not so much porcelane flowers in south, so that makes the picture interesting.Cemeteries are more "italian" here .

  5. I love this shot Virginia, it has a timeless quality..was there a period when these porcelain crosses were the popular thing to do or is it something that has always been around?

  6. There are so many famous people
    laid to rest in Montmartr. This
    is a haunting image.

  7. Grace, I don't know how long these have been around. From the looks of many of them, they are quite old and surprisingly seem to hold up well although they get a patina as you can see here, mainly from dust and dirt. I looked at new ones thinking I"d try and bring one home for my mom's grave but the newer ones seemed too bright. Also, sadly here in my city, most anything you leave at a cemetery is stolen. I have many photos though, I feel a series coming on! HA

  8. Absolutely gorgeous. It is almost a message in itself to show that time makes things more beautiful and even in death, the withered beauty is something to behold and revere.


  9. This is just so serenely beautiful! thank you for sharing. xo Col ~ Afrique du Sud

  10. Thank you so much for visiting me the other day...your blog is so lovely..isn't Anita wonderful?!!!
    Love your photography...this cross is amazing! Fallen perfect.
    Happy week to you my new friend. xoxo

  11. Wonderful street shots from Paris - seen with your eyes, but very, very nice for me.

  12. This one is in wonderful shape and so beautiful with the wet leaves. I have seen many of these in the Paris cemeteries, many with broken petals. Love this shot.

  13. It is lovely and it's a nice composition with the leaves and curls.

  14. Thought you'd like to see this. It's the outdoor terrasse of Aimee's Tea Room - L'Oisivethé

  15. Love the angle here, V. I hate to see fake flowers at a gravesite, but the porcelain ones are so pretty—and not trying to be anything other than what they are. Kind of like the way they age too.

  16. You have a very nice composition here, Virginia. I am not familiar with the porcelain flowers, because -- and I am embarrassed to admit this -- I have not visited cemeteries when in Paris. That will be rectified next time I go . . .

  17. As you know, I'm a huge fan of Parisian cemeteries and find them incredibly inspiring and photogenic. The porcelain crosses are gorgeous and the one you've captured here is extra special. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Interesting tradition .. and a lovely photo

  19. I adore French cimetieres. I could spend entire days in them. Will have to go look at some of your others.


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