Thursday, October 6, 2011


A sad day for everyone at Apple and for all of us who admired what Steve Jobs created in a life cut short.  As a former Apple employee I can say it was the finest company I've ever had the pleasure of being part of.  He will certainly be missed.   Last January, our first day in Paris, we headed to the Apple Store Opéra.  It was a thrill to see it first hand. 

Apple Store Opéra
12 rue Halevy
75009  Paris


  1. His life was cut short, but he certainly made the most of it!-- RIP Steve Jobs. Veronique

  2. Yes he will be remembered... my i-phone, Virginia, comes from that shop right there..

  3. Some people change the world, and he was one of them. Sad to see how such fantastic people die young, when others, much less fantastic, live long..

  4. That's beautiful, V. I've just been watching his Stanford commencement speech again. So inspirational and profound. It's a sad day. Bless him.

  5. It is amazing to see this Icon world-wide and to see as well how one person can change the planet!!!!


  6. A wonderful tribute photo to an inspired man.

  7. His life was short, but so full if you think about what he accomplished. Lovely tribute Virginia. Fabulous photo also.

  8. Lovely tribute Virginia, he was much too young to go now!

  9. An Apple junkie friend and I are hoping to pick up the newest iPhone 4s on Friday at the Apple Store in the Mall of America.....

  10. His passing leaves a huge hole in the future of technology not just at Apple but everywhere. He and his amazing vision inspired everyone working in technology .. he was truly a genius.

  11. This is a beautiful homage.I'm feeling so upset here.I gree with Daryl words, a genial mind!

  12. A sweet and heartfelt tribute for an amazing man. Well stated.

  13. Wonderful tribute to this genius of a man... He changed our lives and did it in elegantly designed packages.

  14. Nice post, Virginia. He was a highly creative man. He came up with products we didn't know we wanted but now can't live without, he did so with clean and sleek industrial design, and he produced remarkable results for his investors.

  15. I was never a fan of Apple products for a variety of reasons. Too bad about Steve Jobs, though.

  16. Nicely done, V. I have more than my share of Apple products, and I have to say that my many dealings with Apple employees have always been a total pleasure. I wish the company continued success—but his are some un-fillable shoes, I'm afraid.

  17. He opened our world to new possiblities that will only get better because of him. He and his team made "history".

  18. Yes. Sad day for all.

    On a happy note - I love your blog!

  19. Virginia-

    Your photo and comment is the first one that brought tears to my eyes today. And I've been on my MacBook Pro for hours reading about Steve Jobs.

  20. Roseann, I"m touched as I struggle daily for the right words. After working for Apple, even though it was for just a few months, I was saddened. Steve Jobs has left a legacy for the tech world but I think more for the way a business SHOULD be run.

    Thank you all for your nice comments today. And for my Paris friends, put this Apple Store on your list . It's a must see.

  21. He really did help change the world. Great tribute Virginia!

  22. My husband just sent me an email article all about this amazing man!! What a genius and did so much for everyone.
    I didn't know you worked there!!
    A woman of many talents!!

  23. Hi Virginia,

    Such a sad day indeed, and a wonderful tribute to a very talented man. One of the first computers I had was the blue McIntosh, which I loved and have been getting them ever since.
    So user friendly.



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