Tuesday, October 4, 2011

L'artisan Ceinturier - The Workbench

Just inside the doorway, the artisan's workbench. Of course the red bucket of roses was the pièce de résistance!  Only in Paris......


  1. This is just perfect, Virginia, great shot. And the roses... What a nice touch, and an odd number of flowers, of course. As I said, just perfect. I personally miss your "little friend" from last night's picture. What happened to him? ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Pots and old tools used every day. I like that! what a mood in that shop! and the roses add a touch of poetry; An interesting person must work there!

  3. Ah - but what are these bibs and bobs used for? My guess is upholstery.

  4. This looks like my daddy's workbench...oh, the memories....Anita

  5. What fantastic colors! Wow, the wood tones are just perfect.

  6. An interesting photo of his workbench but why is it so clean and all put away? Did you visit his shop at the end of the day?

  7. The red roses are definitely a charming touch. There are so many details on this bench to attract the eye. Lovely photo!

  8. I love all of the warm wood tones also..

  9. You are so right my friend...only in Paris...I love your photography! xoxox Happy Tuesday

  10. So neat .. and I do love the flowers

  11. His workspace is so neat and tidy Virginia, love the rich look of the wooden bench and of course the red roses, perfect touch!

  12. Love the rouge! And all the little glass containers.

  13. Much too neat, Virginia. Let me at it!

  14. Lovely rich photo! and I love your new header picture, the zinc balls are mesmerizing.

  15. This artisan is a man after my own OCD heart—look how neatly everything is arranged, with matching jars of buckles and things! And you're right about the roses. The perfect touch, V.

  16. This bench is a work of art itself!

  17. Ah! how you would have loved to see the splash of red in the corner! How very orderly!

  18. Une très jolie photo qui met à l'honneur cet humble métier...
    gros bisous

  19. Oh how fabulous! I laughed out loud when I saw the roses, red too of course! Yes, only, only in Paris. The utilitarian still has to be beautiful!

  20. This is one of the things in Paris that I've neglected. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and look for wonderful old shops like these.


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