Monday, September 26, 2011

L'huile d'olive

My last day in Paris, June '10, I passed this store in the Marais. The young ladies that worked there were so friendly, and welcomed my photographs.  In France, an olive oil shop is a work of art.  I have several more I'll share.


  1. Gorgeous shot, Virginia. J'adore l'huile d'olive! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Very nice composition of vertical and horizontals...

  3. Excellent! Looking forward to the upcoming photos!

  4. Wonderful composition Virginia, reflections and colours lovely.

  5. And in France, OLIVE OIL is a work of art! The best I have ever, ever had.....Anita

  6. The amber bottles with just a bit of rouge reflection is delightful... wish I had one of those bottles! Delish!

  7. Did you try to bring one home in your suitcase, V de B?!

  8. Genie, I think I overlooked the rouge!

    Leif, no darlin', those pesky TSA guys would have made me throw it out!

    Anita, you're right about that.

    WOng and Grace, I sort of liked the lady walking across the street as well. Thank you.

    Paul and Veronique, Merci!

  9. Yes, they are—and I just love the way you captured the light coming through these bottles.
    Spent the weekend chez my mostly-internetless maman, but wow! for both your Sat. & Sun. posts!

  10. I wonder if this oil is from Spain. The Spanish have the very best aceite de oliva.

  11. Great reflection and games with the light!

  12. how something so simple can look so good and so inviting;. it is true that the red, once more, gives it a nice finishing touch

  13. Beautiful photo, Genie. Until ten years ago, vegetable oil was vegetable oil to me, and not interesting. However, I had an introduction to fine extra virgin olive oil, and now I am hooked! Show us more!

  14. Hey, you're Virginia, not Genie. So sorry! I still love EV olive oil.

  15. Une photo très emblématique... je suis une amoureuse des OLIVIERS... respectueuse du travail des olives...
    Gros bisous et merci pour cette belle photo.

  16. We have many special olive oils, but I guess that here they are in another league... Great picture, by the way!

  17. Gorgeous!
    I hear that you can go olive oil tasting in some areas of France & Italy!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  18. Hermosas transparencias y reflejos en una composición abierta al caminante. Felicidades. Enchanté de connaitre cette blog


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