Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Church Series - Église Val du Grâce

Église Val du Grâce

So many special  memories of this view from our apartment on rue Berthollet, June 2009. What could be more wonderful than opening our windows and seeing this every day?  I photographed it every time of day, rain or shine.

I am so pleased to announce that Ma Vie Francais is now featuring some of my Paris Rouge photographs!
Please visit and join this great site.


  1. I love it that you photographed it every time of the day. I think I did this with the little box of geraniums infront of my apartment window. x

  2. such a dramatic and lovely silhouette

  3. I love how one can "own" a single view from an apartment window, seen and photographed over a period of time... how you can close your eyes and still see it months and years later.

    And, the photos are there for a reminder.

  4. Salut Virginia!
    A great silhouette of l'Eglise! What a view from your apartment window! C'est tellment formidable!
    Fun to catch up on your blog this morning -
    Bon Dimanche

  5. Ditto what Genie said. Those views we treasure in our hearts and see in our mind's eye are precious! Love the way you have shared thisnone with u's. The lighting is exquisite!

  6. What a beautiful silhouette, awe-inspiring!
    God bless you!

  7. I love the title : "ma vie française".

  8. Stunning photo! And thanks for the link to Ma Vie Francaise. It's always a joy to see your Paris Rouge photos.

  9. The silhouette is perfect. Nice contrast balance

  10. Ditto what Genie and M said. This is a spectacular shot, even without a speck of red in it. :~} And thanks for the link to Ma Vie Française.

  11. Une silhouette... étonnante, impressionnante... Une photo vraiment extraordinaire...
    gros bisous

  12. It looks good in silhouette, Virginia.


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