Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Le Spectateur

I am charmed by the fact that most of the men that come to Luxembourg Gardens to watch the pétanque players, take the time to dress for the occasion.  Another reason I love Paris.

Art Folk Gallery at Young & Vann
1731 1st Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203

From Snapshots to Photographs 
Virginia Jones 

Join us for 5 lively sessions that have been designed for anyone who is eager to learn how to take better photographs.

You'll learn the basics of:
,using available light
, photographing friends & family, the secrets of terrific vacation photographs, and basic editing on the computer. All that is required is working knowledge of your digital camera! 

5 Classes for *$140

Tuesdays from August 30th - September 27th

Space is limited, so registration is strongly encouraged!  Call 205-716-1665 or email to to reserve your spot today.


  1. Seems very French to dress for watching petanque. I like it. A beautifully atmospheric scene, dear V.

  2. What a dapper gentleman in the foreground. Perhaps those across the way need the fashion police...

  3. What a pleasant way to spend the afternoon Virginia, I think I might enjoy that myself!!

  4. I love your photo's and the subjects. yvonne

  5. Looks as if the couple across the way are tourists .. I can tell by the clothes and their body language

  6. And while I was there, I was impressed with the shop keepers who if they were women, wore chic black dresses and a little white apron (tablier) to sweet the STREET in front of their shop! And I saw une femme d'un certain âge walking with a cane, a black suit, her hair piled high, pearl earrings and collier and yep, you guessed it....HEELS. OH YEAH!!! Anita

  7. Oh V...I would dearly LOVE to sign up for your class....Just can't get there at this time..Is there one in the Spring?..Janey

  8. Janey, I"m thinking about doing a weekend crash course so maybe anyone out of town could do it. I'll keep you updated!

  9. I think the gentleman's age ahas more to do with how he is dressed than anything else.

  10. Moi aussi, V! French gentlemen (especially those of a certain age) always seem so put together. And I love his haircut. He's really showing up those folks across the way—who have apparently forgotten the importance of good posture. :~}
    (Hey my WV is joyrues)

  11. Starman,
    You could be right about the age but I certainly think it's a French thing. I can't imagine ever seeing a gentleman of any age here in the US dressed like this for an afternoon at a park. These day's church/funerals/weddings is about it.

  12. Time to relax and talking with friends :)

  13. What a beautiful photo demonstrating that the best things in life are very simple.

    Thanks for sharing

  14. Yeah, he does look dapper... nice picture.

  15. I am struggling here to place that slope in the background. Is there more than just the one petanque rink in JdL?

  16. Julie, it does appear to be a slope but I don't recall that. There is just the one area for petanque there I think.

  17. It just wouldn't do to not dress accordingly in the fashion capital of the world!!!


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