Friday, July 22, 2011

Charmant n'est-ce pas??

Admittedly this charming little resto was not shot in the summer. Au contraire, in the dead of winter, janvier to be exact.  I think we could all do with some cooling off so here you have Au Clair de la Lune in Montmartre. I was nosing around waiting for Mary G. and Mary B.G. to finish shopping  and found this dear little place around the corner. I think I need to go back and try it out, et vous??


  1. First of all I need to say that I'm in LOVE for your header picture, it's brilliant, BRAVO!
    And oais, this is charming, Paris is so charming!
    bises et bon week-end!

  2. Certainment! Looks like a delightful place to dine avec vous, Génie et Mary!

  3. um lugar muito charmoso, como toda Paris

  4. Oui, c'est tellment charmant! A lovely display of greenery!
    Bon weekend, y'all

  5. Very lovely, V! The greenery is quite higgledy-piggledy ~ I think it adds to the charm.

  6. Oh yes I agree Virginia, very charming, I love Montmartre and the Sacre Coeur, would love very much to be there now. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Tres jolie.
    Bon soirree Virginia.

  8. I agree with Marie and know that by now the vines are fully leafed and quite green... Alons-y!

  9. amazing picture/blog!

  10. We were SHOPPING??? Was that hat day?
    That was a FRIGID day - it's a wonder that your frozen breath didn't show up in the shot!

  11. @Genie et Mari et Virginie - bien sûr...allons y!

  12. Si romantique... peut-être y rencontre-t-on "mon ami pierrot" qui m'a prêté sa plume pour vous écrire ce mot!
    Gros bisous.

  13. Tres charmant, indeed! We could definitely use a bit of cooling off here in NYC—I wish I could time travel to this spot at that time and meet ALL of you there!

  14. It's so starkly beautiful here that I wonder what it would look like now...

  15. It is a great spot, Virginia, probably lovely in all four seasons.

  16. Thisis certainly very attractive and enticing...I would love to see au claire de la lune next time I go to Paris...thanks for sharing as it simply did liven my interests. Having a dull day here in way too hot AZ...spent two full days that looks more than charming...OHHHHH

  17. Pretty little corner! And i'm sure you know the famous song that goes with it?..

  18. Hello Virginia, I`m a brazilian that always come to your blog to view pretty pictures of Paris, my fav spot in the world! I have one picure of me posing in front of this restaurant çause i loved it so much! You should try it!!!


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